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UL:5G应用起飞 安全标准存在必要性 (2019.07.16)
人工智慧浪潮下,日本的研发危机感 (2018.03.21)
SoftKinetic更名为Sony Depthsensing Solutions (2017.12.20)
在被收购两年後,SoftKinetic更名为Sony Depthsensing Solutions。 Sony Depthsensing Solutions行政总裁Akihiro Hasegawa表示:「此次更名为我们过去几年来作为索尼 (Sony)子公司开展的工作画上了圆满的句号
[专栏]2016 Zenbook vs. 2006 Pleo (2016.06.07)
2016年COMPUTEX展最热话题,除了虚拟实境(Virtual Reality, VR)外可能就是华硕的家庭服务机器人Zenbo了,售价599美元,但要接近2016年底圣诞节才能供货。 事实上每年华硕都会利用COMPUTEX展提出创新产品
机器人走入寻常百姓家 (2014.10.23)
(刊頭) 图片来源:FASTCOMPANY @引言: 近日在网络上流传的一段影片, 一家刀削面的摊位上,是一个机器人快速在削面, 削面速度不仅较真人快,且节能省电又永远不喊累
打不过,玩具开发向手机靠拢 (2013.06.13)
由于少子化的冲击,日本玩具产业照理说应该走下坡, 但日本玩具协会的资料却显示了玩具市场正逆向地成长中, 究竟是为什么呢?
[评析]打不过! 玩具开发向手机靠拢 (2013.04.20)
计算机不再是科技产品的中心。 科技产品个人化渐成主流,智能手机、平板计算机、智能手表、眼镜、电视、行动照护,甚至是玩具等领域,才是今后有办法带动销售的新方向
-URBI contrib 1.5.0 (2008.04.08)
Applications contributed for URBI (Universal RealTime Behoavior Interface). URBI is a scripted command language used to control robots (AIBO pioneer..) as well as a robot-independant execution and developpement plateform. www
-Cognitive Vision Ubuntu/Edgy (for version 0.4.2) (2007.08.21)
Main goal is to improve the cognitive vision in artificial intelligence. Camera calibration, object recognition etc. will be implemented and all results can be used by webcams or AIBO robotdog. Project is based on OpenCV and own source codes
-URBI contrib 0.1 (2007.06.13)
Applications contributed for URBI (Universal RealTime Behoavior Interface). URBI is a scripted command language used to control robots (AIBO pioneer..) as well as a robot-independant execution and developpement plateform. www
-Cognitive Vision Ubuntu/Dapper (for version 0.4.1) (2007.02.27)
Main goal is to improve the cognitive vision in artificial intelligence. Camera calibration, object recognition etc. will be implemented and all results can be used by webcams or AIBO robotdog. Project is based on OpenCV and own source codes
-Cognitive Vision Debian/Stable (2006.12.10)
Main goal is to improve the cognitive vision in artificial intelligence. Camera calibration, object recognition etc. will be implemented and all results can be used by webcams or AIBO robotdog. Project is based on OpenCV and own source codes
外接硬盘盒多元化应用发展趋势 (2006.11.09)
-URBI Project 1.0-beta2 (2006.10.08)
URBI: Universal Robotic Body Interface. URBI is a scripted command language used to control robots (AIBO, pioneer,...). It is a robot-independant API based on a client/server architecture. Liburbi C++/Java/Matlab are available here
-URBI Project 1.1-jp (2006.08.02)
URBI: Universal Robotic Body Interface. URBI is a scripted command language used to control robots (AIBO, pioneer,...). It is a robot-independant API based on a client/server architecture. Liburbi C++/Java/Matlab are available here
-AIBO Pal AIBO Pal Alpha 1 (2006.05.22)
A speech recognition application. It uses Microsoft Speech SDK to recognize and speak words. It can Play Music, Read the News, Tell the Time, Open Apps and many other cool things only with voice commands.
-URBI Project 1.0-beta1 (2006.05.07)
URBI: Universal Robotic Body Interface. URBI is a scripted command language used to control robots (AIBO, pioneer,...). It is a robot-independant API based on a client/server architecture. Liburbi C++/Java/Matlab are available here
-Cognitive Vision 0.3 (2006.04.09)
Main goal of project is improvement of cognitive vision in artificial intelligence. There is many subproject under this approach. Camera calibration, color constancy, object recognition etc. and in the future all results will be used by AIBO robotdog
-URBI Project 0.9.8 (2006.01.15)
URBI: Universal Robotic Body Interface. URBI is a scripted command language used to control robots (AIBO, pioneer,...). It is a robot-independant API based on a client/server architecture. Liburbi C++/Java/Matlab are available here
-Cognitive Vision, AiBO 0.2 (2005.11.24)
Main goal of project is improvement of cognitive vision in artificial intelligence. There is many subproject under this approach. Camera calibration, color constancy, object recognition etc. and in the future all results will be used by AIBO robotdog

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7 意法半导体新款车规直流马达预驱动器可简化EMI优化设计
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9 宜鼎率先量产CXL记忆体模组 为AI伺服器与资料中心三合一升级
10 新唐Arm Cortex-M23内核M2003系列助力8位元核心升级至32位元

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