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Wills Hwang
来自: 台北市
文章: 74

发 表 于: 2006.03.20 03:36:06 PM
文章主题: 行動PC將成為IT世界的介面,您認為呢?

Samsung's Q1: A revolution in the digital convergence era slim, sleek and shining through with features, the Samsung Q1 is designed to match the demands for high performance mobile computing and the desire for digital convergence. Featuring fully functional PC power, instant multimedia, car navigation and the latest wireless technologies, all displayed on a stunning 7" touch screen. And at <800 grams, you can take it everywhere and do everything. With the Samsung Q1, it's not hard to imagine.

Asus R2H: Innovative Solution for a limitless tomorrow with built-in high-resolution webcam, integrated GPS, fingerprinter, SD Card reader, and Camera, the R2H is Asus' ultra mobile PC (UMPC) that is designed to fulfill the increasing need for an all-in-one device that enables professionals to stay connected, productive and secured on the go. The R2H platform personifies mobility, security, ease of use, and reliability in a cool stylish design.

Founder's Mini-Note: China's first Ultra Mobile PC. The Founder Mini-Note features a 7" WVGA screen, 30-60 GB 1.8" hard disk, integrated WiFi and Bluetooth, two USB2.0 ports, and weighs slightly over 800 grams. Founder is targeting both consumer and commercial segments with its 7" UMPC. On the consumer front, Founder is pursuing frequent travelers, students, and fashion conscious females by delivering a cool stylish design. On the business side, Founder is targeting automotive, healthcare, and banking. Additionally, this platform makes for a nice gift and is available from many gift giving stores.
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Wills Hwang
来自: 台北市
文章: 74

发 表 于: 2006.03.31 01:59:42 PM
文章主题: Re : 行動PC將成為IT世界的介面,您認為呢?
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