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【CTIMES / SMARTAUTO ABC_1 报导】    2010年08月02日 星期一


Intel在数字电子广告牌的动作频频!继年初与微软合作开发高端应用的数字电子广告牌之外,上周并与数字广告牌业者C2 Networks在台北市市府转运站打造创意空间,强调引进欧洲与日本橱窗流行,以Spectacular Wall方式,将多块LCD组合排列完整影像,拼接制造立体互效果,并支持远程管理系统以达到降低成本之效。

市府捷运站大厅,从入口灯箱、梁柱屏幕、以及主墙上,以9块屏幕整合而成的就是本次的展出重点。负责实体营运的业者C2 Networks已在台北各大百货等超过25个公共空间摆放超过200个直立的广告广告牌,虽然每月接触的目标族群有千万名观众,不过内容的呈现方式都较为单一。这次在市府转运站打造「C+数字创意空间」,就是为了突破以往单屏幕的限制,主墙上的九块屏幕将以不同立体角度或弧度呈现影像画面,流转的影像跨越屏幕进行拼接,由于有立体角度,观赏者可以拥有更多与广告牌的互动。

这款数字电子广告牌采用Intel Core i7处理器,并支持嵌入式Intel主动式管理技术(Intel Active Management,AMT),Intel亚太区嵌入式产品事业群产品营销经理张沛哲表示,台湾业者已经迈入嵌入式因特网的时代,各种远程管理功能与创新商业展示模式也正式登场。Intel强调,AMT技术能使管理者在关机状态下,仍能透过远程管理系统更换播映内容;不但可降低营运成本,还能节省电力。

關鍵字: INTEL  非PC主机 
AI擂台的血腥争夺 英特尔如何在刀光剑影中扭转颓势?
半导体业界持续革命性创新 有助於实现兆级电晶体时代微缩需求
英特尔针对行动装置与桌上型电脑AI效能 亮相新一代Core Ultra处理器
英特尔与AMD合作成立x86生态系谘询小组 加速开发人员和客户的创新
说比做容易? 解析高通意图并购英特尔背後的深谋与算计
Tommy Chung发言于2011.09.14 12:10:02 PM

英特爾 IDF 登場 聚焦輕薄




Tommy Chung发言于2011.09.14 12:08:54 PM




Tommy Chung发言于2011.09.14 12:05:55 PM
攜手合作! Android針對Intel行動處理器優化

Tommy Chung发言于2011.08.01 12:06:48 PM
Intel畫大餅:再4年,Atom讓6核Phenom II吃塵

Tommy Chung发言于2011.06.22 12:05:45 PM



Only Chen发言于2011.06.21 12:07:59 PM

Intel plans exascale computing by 2018, wants to make petaflops passé



Tommy Chung发言于2011.03.10 12:04:26 PM

Intel 510 series SATA 6 Gbps SSDs with 500 MB/s read and 315 MB/s write



Only Chen发言于2011.01.18 12:19:08 PM

Intel表示將開發處理器支援Windows 8手機


Only Chen发言于2011.01.11 12:02:18 PM

CES11/英特爾新晶片 防盜版、飆電玩



Tommy Chung发言于2011.01.10 11:50:33 AM



Tommy Chung发言于2011.01.06 11:49:32 AM

Intel introduces second generation Core processors




Twenty new processors, new chipsets and new wireless solutions have been introduced by Int...

Twenty new processors, new chipsets and new wireless solutions have been introduced by Intel at CES - promising users much improved processing power and enhanced graphics performance

Twenty new processors, new chipsets and new wireless solutions – including new Core i7, i5 and i3 processors, Intel 6 Series Chipsets, and Intel Centrino WiFi and WiMAX adapters – were introduced by Intel at CES today. The company brings a host of new features to the combined processor and powerful high definition graphics architecture, including super fast video conversion functionality and the ability to beam content to HDTVs via a new version of Intel WiDi. Collaborations with HD movie providers will also result in user being able to watch previously unavailable content on a PC screen.

Intel's second generation Core processors incorporate a new Intel HD Graphics architecture that's reported to result in much improved graphics performance for high definition viewing and mainstream gaming applications, together with better overall power management. Core i7, i5 and i3 processors are to be treated to some enhanced Turbo Boost functionality, which automatically reallocates core and graphics resources to speed up performance.

"The built-in visual capabilities enabled by these new processors are stunning," said Intel's Mooly Eden. "This, combined with improved adaptive performance, will revolutionize the PC experience in a way that is obvious for every user to see and appreciate – visibly smarter performance."

Powerful new feature set

The company has also introduced some interesting new features, such as Intel Quick Sync Video – a hardware acceleration technology that's claimed to be capable of converting a four minute, high definition video file on a laptop to play on an iPod in a matter of seconds. Intel Insider offers a protected environment for the distribution, storage and playback of premium content from HD movie providers such as CinemaNow, Dixons Retail plc, Hungama Digital Media Entertainment, Image Entertainment, Sonic Solutions, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, and Warner Bros Digital Distribution.

PC versions of new movies will be released on the same day as DVD and Blu-ray and users will be able to download and view full HD movies on a PC screen or wirelessly transfer from a netbook to a HDTV via the new version of the company's Wireless Display technology.

Other new features include InTru 3-D which, according to Intel "enables immersive stereoscopic 3-D to 3-D-capable HDTVs or monitors via HDMI 1.4, making movie excitement almost come out of the screen." Advanced Vector Extensions increases performance for demanding visual applications and Clear Video enhances onscreen visuals during video playback.

Intel expects more than 500 manufacturers to start rolling out products containing the new processors over the next year.




Tommy Chung发言于2011.01.06 11:23:55 AM

英特爾發布新一代處理器Sandy Bridge號稱圖形性能超獨顯


Only Chen发言于2011.01.05 09:54:26 AM

從單核到四核的飛思卡爾i.MX 6家族,即將進佔手機、平板與車用娛樂系統


Only Chen发言于2011.01.04 11:09:45 AM

CES 2011: Intel to roll out the Sandy Bridge Core processor

In a few days from now, CES will officially open but a lot of big companies and geeks are busy preparing for their new products and how to cover them. One of the first in line is Intel with their new processor called the “Sandy Bridge”. We’ve heard this a few times before but this week, we’ll get to see it up close and personal and know more details.

The Sandy Bridge is said to be the second-generation Core Processor that can offer better performance and graphics. This new processor is expected to boost newer computers to become more powerful to stream 1080p HD content, encode HD video even faster, and play HD movies with more efficiency.

More on the Intel Sandy Bridge this week.


Tommy Chung发言于2010.12.30 11:13:47 AM

Intel's 310 Series SSDs Are an Eighth the Size of Their Predecessors



Only Chen发言于2010.12.29 12:08:37 PM

Researchers create ultra-fast '1,000 core' processor, Intel also toys with the idea

We've already seen field programmable gate arrays (or FPGAs) used to create energy efficient supercomputers, but a team of researchers at the University of Glasgow led by Dr. Wim Vanderbauwhede now say that they have "effectively" created a 1,000 core processor based on the technology. To do that, the researchers divvied up the millions of transistors in the FPGA into 1,000 mini-circuits that are each able to process their own instructions -- which, while still a proof of concept, has already proven to be about twenty times faster than "modern computers" in some early tests. Interestingly, Intel has also been musing about the idea of a 1,000 core processor recently, with Timothy Mattson of the company's Microprocessor Technology Laboratory saying that such a processor is "feasible." He's referring to Intel's Single-chip Cloud Computer (or SCC, pictured here), which currently packs a whopping 48 cores, but could "theoretically" scale up to 1,000 cores. He does note, however, that there are a number of other complicating factors that could limit the number of cores that are actually useful -- namely, Amdahl's law (see below) -- but he says that Intel is "looking very hard at a range of applications that may indeed require that many cores."

[Thanks, Andrew]
Only Chen发言于2010.12.22 12:03:22 PM

英特爾 提12大科技預言



Tommy Chung发言于2010.12.21 12:03:04 PM

明年研發支出 台積電勝英特爾(Intel)



Tommy Chung发言于2010.11.17 11:32:31 AM

Intel明年CES推下一代Sandy Bridge CPU     蘋果Apple可望受益




Only Chen发言于2010.08.27 11:42:11 AM







Mercury Research的分析師迪安說,一代片與下一代晶片的圖形性能一般會成倍地增強。英特爾當前的筆記本電腦晶片能夠播放1080p的高清視訊。桑迪橋晶片將給個人電腦帶來明顯的圖形性能的改善


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