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Green revolution to be key driver for positive semiconductor industry in 2010

【作者: Wang Shiu-chen】2010年04月07日 星期三



In the post-financial tsunami era, countries implement financial and monetary measures to stimulate the economy. Since nations such as China, the US and Japan have seen economy expanding instead of contracting, the financial tsunami is all but behind us.


The World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) expects the global semiconductor market to contract 11.5% from 2009 to US$ 22.01 billion in 2009. Gartner indicates electronic terminal product shipments started to recover and picked up steam in the second quarter of 2009. With revision of the 22.4% decline figure to 17.0% for 2009, the market research company expects 10.3% growth for 2010. IDC, another market research company is even more positive as it predicts 19.9% growth for 2010.

展望2010年,Gartner预估终端行动装置将使今年全球PC市场年成长达12.6%,另外如电子书、Windows 7操作系统引领换机潮、触控应用等,在节能、减碳发展趋势下,促使驱动IC、控制IC、电源管理IC带动设计、芯片代工及封测的业务量。

Gartner expects the world PC market to grow by 12.6% in 2010, bolstered by mobile terminals. In addition, e-book reader, the replacement-driving Windows 7 operating system and touchscreen applications, coupled with the green trend will propel driver IC, control IC and power management IC developments, which will in turn help the chip design, sourcing and test & packaging businesses.

《图一 e-book reader, the replacement-driving Windows 7 operating system and touchscreen applications, coupled with the green trend will propel driver IC, control IC and power management IC developments.》


The market research company iSuppli predicts though the semiconductor industry has shown encouraging signs of recovery and sequential quarterly increases in revenue will continue into 2010, semiconductor revenues will not be back to pre-recessionary levels until the 2011 or 2012.


Semiconductor industry to grow by 20% in 2010


Gartner’s new industrial outlook expects worldwide semiconductor revenue to increase to US$ 276 billion in 2010, up 19.9% from US$ 231 billion in 2009. According to Gartner, while the semiconductor market declined 9.6% in 2009, there are strong signs indicating worldwide semiconductor revenue will grow some 20% in 2010.


Furthermore, Garner says PCs and memory are the primary drivers for semiconductor revenue growth in 2010 as rising DRAM prices coupled with strong PC demand will lead to over 55% DRAM revenue growth in 2010, making DRAM the fastest growing device type by far. The company also expects the semiconductor industry to show continued growth through 2014 when the market is forecast to total US$ 304 billion.

2009年谷底反弹后 台湾半导体产业再出发

Taiwan semiconductor industry’s 2009 rebound


According to the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan semiconductor industry output shrank 8.1% to NT$ 1,238.2 billion in 2009. The IC design sector grew 3.1% while the IC design industry contracted 7.9%, wafer foundry services down 7.9%, IC packaging down 10.1% and IC test down 9.7%. In comparison with the 11.5% decline for world semiconductor market, Taiwan’s semiconductor industry has definitely built up know-how in a competitive world market, which can be a potential recovery driver.

《图二 PCs and memory are the primary drivers for semiconductor revenue growth in 2010 as rising DRAM prices》


In light of the financial tsunami, governments implement financial and monetary measures to stimulate the economy. Countries such as China, the US and Japan have seen economy expanding instead of contracting. The world economy was on the road to recovery in 2009.


In retrospect, Taiwan’s semiconductor industry saw improved orders driven by the demand for electronic applications and developments such as touchscreen products, compact notebook computers, smartphones and e-book readers in 2009. On the other hand, the Taiwan government actively addressed the ecological crisis resulted from global warming; kept track of the green trends and developments; and urged the semiconductor industry to adopt ever-finer processes in an effort to drive the continuing development of the ecosystem.Given that wafer foundries have introduced optimized technology for 40nm and 50nm processes with breakthrough material technology and improved device architecture, they have become the new force behind Taiwan semiconductor industry’s sustained growth and future advantage in a competitive international market.


Automotive electronics – the only growing semiconductor segment in China


An iSuppli study indicates China’s semiconductor market shrank 6.7% from US$ 72.9 billion in 2008 to US$ 68 billion in 2009. Though it was in stark contrast to the continuing annual growth of the past, the market did much better than the estimated 16.5% decline for the world semiconductor industry.


In 2009, automotive electronics was the only semiconductor segment in China with increasing demand. iSuppli expects the automotive electronics chip revenue to rise 11% to US$ 2 billion in 2009. iSuppli also predicts China’s semiconductor market will grow 17.8% to US$ 80.1 billion with drivers including automobile, consumer electronics, communication and personal computer.


Semiconductor industry to increase capital expenditure by 51% in 2010

市调公司IC Insights预计,今年半导体产业资本支出中的2/3,将由支出前十名的公司包揽,包括Samsung、Intel、TSMC和Toshiba。今年支出前十名的厂商投资总额预计成长67%,而产业整体支出成长率预计为51%。

The market research company IC Insights predicts the top 10 capital expenditure spenders will account for two thirds of capital expenditures in 2010, including Samsung, Intel, TSMC and Toshiba. The top 10 players are expected to increase their spending by 67% in 2010, compared with a 51% increase expected for the total semiconductor industry.

IC Insights总裁Bill McClean指出,如果不算Intel,排名前十名中的其他9家公司支出,也将成长91%。尽管许多公司计划在2010年将产能提高一倍,但仍然无法阻止IC价格的上涨和供货短缺的状况发生,特别是在下半年。

"If Intel were excluded, the remaining nine companies in the top 10 ranking would increase their spending by 91% this year," said Bill McClean, president of IC Insights. However, while many companies are planning to more than double their capital outlays this year, they will not be able to prevent rising IC prices and shortages from occurring, especially during the second half of the year.

《图三 Samsung, Intel, TSMC and Toshiba. The top 10 players are expected to increase their spending by 67% in 2010》


The largest companies are gradually accounting for the lion's share of investments. In 2005, the 10 companies accounted for 55% of all spending, compared with 66% this year. Samsung Electronics is likely to become the largest spender in 2010.


“Intel, by contrast, is in no rush to add significant capacity. Considering that the company holds about 85% of the total microprocessor unit (MPU) market, it knows how much MPU capacity is really needed and will not overspend. Expect MPUs to remain relatively scarce this year as Intel and AMD would like to enjoy firming average selling prices for a while longer,” he said.

台积电(TSMC)则是受到了来自全球晶圆(Global Foundries)的市场挑战,因此计划大幅提高产能,预计今年产能将增加79%。2010年48亿美元的预算提升,将是TSMC自2000年以来最高的一次。

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC) is being spurred by the challenge from GlobalFoundries. TSMC is significantly ramping up its capital spending plans, planning a 79% increase in capital outlays this year. McClean said "the US$ 4.8 billion budget for 2010 is the highest level of spending by TSMC since 2000."


Green revolution shows most potential


With the ongoing green revolution, the public are most concerned with three issues: energy efficiency, lighting efficiency and solar power. Consequently, the top applications for 2010 should center on them. Alternative energy, consumer mobile devices, wireless infrastructure, power management device for electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles and LED lighting will continue to glow brightly this year.

(表一) Taiwan and Worldwide Semiconductor Market Growth, 2008~2010<Source: Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center> (STPI), February 2010

Year 2008 2009 2008~2009 Growth 2010 Growth (Predicted)
Worldwide US$ 248.7 billion US$ 220.1 billion -11.5% + 10.3%
China US$ 72.9 billion US$ 680 billion -6.7% + 17.8%
Taiwan US$ 39.7 billion

(NT$ 1347.3 billion)

US$ 36.5 billion

(NT$ 1238.2 billion)

-8.1% + 13.7%

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