NEC企業級伺服器NX7700i系列新產品問世 (2010.05.17) NEC日前宣佈,搭載最新「Intel Itanium 9300」處理器之企業級伺服器「NX7700i系列」於即日起隆重上市。NEC全新「NX7700i系列」伺服器,包含最高階、最多可擴充至64顆(256核心)Intel Itanium 9300處理器的可堆疊型伺服器、3款刀鋒型、以及機架型之入門機種共5款伺服器 |
NetApp推出基於QLogic單晶片架構FCoE存儲系統 (2009.08.14) QLogic Corp.宣布,NetApp已經選定QLogic作為單晶片融合網絡適配器(CNA)技術供應商,為NetApp存儲陣列提供本地FCoE連接。同時, NetApp指定QLogic 8100系列作為FCoE主機連接關鍵CNA之一 |
固若金湯─自動加密的資安磁碟 (2008.09.03) 不管是因為故障、陳舊、用途更改、送修、保修,還是租約到期,幾乎所有磁碟最終都要從資料中心中隱退。但這些退役磁碟幾乎還可使用,也可被讀取。根據IBM的調查,其回收的磁碟中有仍90%可被讀取 |
微軟發佈下一代異質與虛擬化資料中心管理服務 (2008.05.21) 台灣微軟發佈先進異質與虛擬化資料中心(datacenter)管理服務,在2008微軟管理高峰會議(Microsoft Management Summit)中,微軟公司伺服器與工具事業(Server and Tools Business)的資深副總裁Bob Muglia向逾4,000名IT專業人士以及合作夥伴,發佈新一代促進動態IT組織的策略 |
-bogofilter -- Fast Bayesian Spam Filter bogofilter-1.1.7 (2008.05.05) The bogofilter package implements a fast Bayesian spam filter as
suggested by Paul Graham in "A Plan For Spam"
. It is written in C. Supported platforms: Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, OS X, HP-UX, AIX, RISC-OS, |
-Pandora FMS Final 1.3.1 version (2008.04.23) Pandora FMS is a monitoring system for big IT environments. It uses remote tests, or local agents to grab information. Pandora supports all standard OS (Linux, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris and Windows XP,2000/2003), and support multiple setups in HA enviroments |
-EU-Commander 0.89 (2008.01.30) EU-Commander is an ActiveTcl based File Manager (TotalCommander like) with applications bar, internal editor/viewer, favorits, mime types and some more modules. It's tested under Linux/Unix (HP-UX) and WindowsXP. |
-EU-Commander 0.85 (2007.11.01) EU-Commander is an ActiveTcl based File Manager (TotalCommander like) with applications bar, internal editor/viewer, favorits, mime types and some more modules. It's tested under Linux/Unix (HP-UX) and WindowsXP. |
英特爾宣佈推出七款新Intel Itanium處理器 (2007.11.01) 英特爾公司宣佈推出全新雙核心Intel Itanium Processor 9100系列處理器,強調所促進的產業成長動能與來自業界的支援。9100系列處理器乃針對管理重要高階應用而設計,並內建能改善可靠度 (reliability)與減少用電量的先進功能,突顯業界從專屬式RISC產品持續轉移到內含Itanium處理器伺服器的使用趨勢,讓用戶擁有更多選擇 |
-Pandora FMS Beta2 (2007.08.31) Pandora FMS is a monitoring system for big IT environments. It uses remote tests, or local agents to grab information. Pandora supports all standard OS (Linux, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris and Windows XP,2000/2003), and support multiple setups in HA enviroments |
-EU-Commander 0.84 (2007.07.29) EU-Commander is an ActiveTcl based File Manager (TotalCommander like) with applications bar, internal editor/viewer, favorits, mime types and some more modules. It's tested under Linux/Unix (HP-UX) and WindowsXP. |
-linkloop for Linux 1.0.1 (2007.07.21) This program is similar to ping, but tests connectivity at the link layer (layer 2) instead of the network layer (layer 3). This works like the HP-UX linkloop utility. It was tested between Linux and HP-UX. There is also a "server-side" utility |
-Pandora FMS Beta 1 (2007.06.17) Pandora FMS is a monitoring system for big IT environments. It uses remote tests, or local agents to grab information. Pandora supports all standard OS (Linux, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris and Windows XP,2000/2003), and support multiple setups in HA enviroments |
-linkloop for Linux 1.0.0 (2007.04.30) This program is similar to ping, but tests connectivity at the link layer (layer 2) instead of the network layer (layer 3). This works like the HP-UX linkloop utility. It was tested between Linux and HP-UX. There is also a "server-side" utility |
-bogofilter -- Fast Bayesian Spam Filter bogofilter-1.1.3 (2006.12.20) The bogofilter package implements a fast Bayesian spam filter as
suggested by Paul Graham in "A Plan For Spam"
. It is written in C. Supported platforms: Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, OS X, HP-UX, AIX, RISC-OS, |
賽門鐵克推出Backup Exec 11d Exchange for Windows Servers (2006.11.23) 資安廠商賽門鐵克於週二(11/21)宣佈推出Symantec Backup Exec 11d for Windows Servers,提供Microsoft Windows平台的檔案伺服器和工作站,24小時不間段的資料保護,新的11d還新增極為細緻的Microsoft Exchange備份回復功能,協助企業進行Exchange備份,並縮短的信箱備份的時間 |
昇陽Solaris10獲企業採用 (2006.11.08) 昇陽(Sun Microsystems)公布開源碼作業系統Solaris10,自2005年1月問市以來,已發出了超過600萬份的授權認證。
Solaris 10作業系統超過同一時期內Red Hat Enterprise Linux、IBM AIX,以及惠普HP-UX作業系統的下載總數,並獲得《財星》雜誌百大企業中97家,以及五百大企業中85%的企業使用 |
Unisys和SMA共提出解決跨平台自動化的解決方案 (2006.09.27) Unisys Corporation與SMA宣佈一種實際上將會完全解決跨平台自動化問題的技術解決方案。這是一種跨平台、經由事件驅動的工作流程自動化及作業排程解決方案,適合當前錯綜複雜的資料中心用來自動化及控管各類的IT與商業流程 |
SGI 宣布MIPS-Irix Unix伺服器今年停產 (2006.09.11) 視算科技(SGI, Silicon Graphics)宣佈,將於今年12月底停止銷售Irix作業系統及MIPS伺服器。
該公司宣佈,包括Origin 3900/350伺服器、Fuel 與Tezro工作站,將在今年12月29日起停止接受訂單,而已下單的客戶將在明年3月前交貨,而對MIPS-Irix的支援將持續至2013年 |
Clerity 收購Sun的大型主機應用移植部門 (2006.08.20) Clerity Solutions宣布收購Sun Microsystems的大型主機應用移植(rehosting)部門,並且留用了這一部門的員工。這確保了爲Sun在全球的所有現有和潜在應用移植業務客戶提供的支持和産品的連續性 |