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该项目提供最优质的翻译称为简单机械论坛的论坛软件。-SMFHebrew (2011.08.26)
-rct3patchsvn (2011.07.18)
The ULTAMATE RCT3 Mod DOWNLOAD!!! Download over 200 mods IN ONE INSTALLER!!! HOW SWEET IS THAT!!!! :D Download the Mod Patcher Here!!! http://www.multiupload.com/3AE1CME66A
一款增强型游戏工具,增加一些新的功能。-UQM Mods (2011.07.06)
MODS一款 IDE 开发的游戏工具。-CivModderIDE (2011.04.30)
MODS一款 IDE 开发的游戏工具。
一款尝试提供一些有用的实用程序的晨风游戏工具。-Morrowind Tools Project (2011.04.30)
-CivIV Mods (2011.04.12)
Civilization IV Mods houses and releases customization packages (mods) for Sid Meier's Civilization IV. The latest work is Realism:Invictus, a mod for the Beyond the Sword expansion.
一款强大的编辑器为基础的游戏或类似 id Software 雷神之锤系列游戏工具。-The Quake Army Knife (QuArK) (2011.03.20)
一款强大的编辑器为基础的游戏或类似 id Software 雷神之锤系列游戏工具。
一款然在发展的简单软件,来管理和控制英雄Newerth MODS和插件为最终用户玩家-All-In Hon ModManager (2011.03.16)
一款然在发展的简单软件,来管理和控制英雄Newerth MODS和插件为最终用户玩家
-Ory's PHP Coding (2011.02.08)
FlorinCB's PHP Coding All GPL things written by FlorinCB aka OryNider are in here. Mx-Publisher CMS Modules and phpBB MODs written for the MXP or phpBB stuff written by FlorinCB are here as well. For release info, please go to our main site
以帮助系统管理员安装,维护,监控和运行多人在线游戏:如战场1942专用的服务器(GNU / Linux的plataform)-InjusTools for Battlefield + GameServers (2011.02.05)
以帮助系统管理员安装,维护,监控和运行多人在线游戏:如战场1942专用的服务器(GNU / Linux的plataform)
该项目将作为中央托管/ bug追踪修改的 SmoothWall.org 防火墙分散中心工具。-SmoothWall Homebrew Mods (2011.01.28)
该项目将作为中央托管/ bug追踪修改的 SmoothWall.org 防火墙分散中心工具。
-IpfilterX-u23 (2011.01.26)
IpfilterX is a filter for Emule Mods that support it as feature in their Advanced Options.It is a highly-sophisticated IPFilter that's updated after careful analysis and study.uIpfilterX is designed for uTorrent.PeerGuardX is for Peerguardian client
-phpMyChat (2011.01.23)
phpMyChat is an easy-to-install, easy-to-use multi-room PHP/DB chat. It is currently available for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and ODBC, and the work on Oracle is in progress. It supports IRC-like commands, moderators, and is available with 37 languages
-phpBB Turkiye (2010.11.21)
phpBB mods, Turkish language files, themes, codes
一款使用mods的汇集与创造工具并使用Fallout 3-Fallout mod manager (2010.11.13)
一款使用mods的汇集与创造工具并使用Fallout 3
-The BAT Mod (2010.10.25)
The BAT Mod is a graphic and interface mod for Civilization 4 - Beyond the Sword. It combines the popular BUG (unaltered gameplay) mod with Varietas Delectat and other graphic and artistic mods.
数据库驱动多人喜欢国际西洋棋,他们玩的经典对应下棋之工具。-Multiplayer Chess (2010.10.17)
-BSC PACK ADDONS (2010.10.03)
BSC PACK ADDONS e um pacote com Mods e Plugins em conjunto que facilita o gerenciamento de servidores de counter strike com varias informac?es para o jogador sobre sua ac?es.Alem de proteger e melhorar seu servidor contra cheater e Lagger
是一款应用程序来自动武器牛津大学的创建为反恐精英来源包进行部署-Doggs V Studio 2011 (2010.09.25)
-BSC PACK ADDONS BETA v2.0.4 (2010.08.01)
BSC PACK ADDONS e um pacote com Mods e Plugins em conjunto que facilita o gerenciamento de servidores de counter strike com varias informac?es para o jogador sobre sua ac?es.Alem de proteger e melhorar seu servidor contra cheater e Lagger

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1 Microchip推出具先进图形与连接功能SAMA7D65系列微处理器SiP/SoC解决方案
2 意法半导体 VIPower 全桥驱动器搭载即时诊断功能 简化汽车驱动系统的设计与成本
3 凌华科技推出「OSM-MTK510」 高效能、超低功耗、坚固耐用的精巧型工业电脑模组
4 Nordic Semiconductor的nPM2100电源管理IC延长一次电池供电蓝牙低功耗产品的电池寿命
5 贸泽电子即日起供货ADI边缘运算平台,可支援自主机器人和自动驾驶车中的机器视觉
6 Rohde & Schwarz推出 R&S ScopeStudio 助力开发团队的基於个人电脑的示波器解决方案
7 泓格iSN-811C-MTCP红外线感测模组 从温度掌握工业制造的安全与先机
8 意法半导体推出适用於车用微控制器的可配置电源管理 IC
9 群闳携手R&S共创WiFi 7与5G检测新标杆,助力企业拓展全球版图
10 业界领先的低钳位元电压TPSMB-L 系列汽车 TVS 二极体

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