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u-blox Introduces Its Newest Dual-band Wi-Fi 6 and Dual-mode Bluetooth 5.3 Module

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 報導】   2023年07月14日 星期五


u-blox has announced the u-blox JODY-W5, its newest module tailored for the automotive market. With its dual-band Wi-Fi 6 and dual-mode Bluetooth 5.3 technologies, including LE Audio, the module is ideal for preventing wireless network congestion in the car and delivering enhanced audio functionalities. It is also cost-effective and compact while enabling different antenna configurations.


The u-blox JODY-W5 supports a wide range of use cases, such as helmet-to-helmet communication for two-wheel vehicles, EV charging solutions like link/device configuration and data charging via an access point, telematics control and head units such as diagnostics and software updates, as well as infotainment with rear-seat entertainment connectivity, smartphone tethering, and hands-free calling.

The new module is available in two operating temperature variants, withstanding up to 85 °C and 105 °C – meeting automotive grade 2 requirements. In addition, and upon request, it provides an LTE-coexistence filter and various antenna configurations. Its pin compatibility with other u-blox JODY modules eases migration, enabling flexibility in design and upgradability while saving time and cost.

The module’s enhanced security features support secure boot and over-the-air firmware updates, key management, and hardware encryption for critical protocol keys with NXPR Semiconductors’ EdgeLockR Secure Subsystem, built into NXP’s AW611. These features reduce implementation efforts considerably and help avoid costly security incidents.

“The AW611 chipset advances NXP’s history of innovation in Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth by broadening the accessibility of these latest technologies across all price points,” says Larry Olivas, General Manager and Vice President, Wireless Connectivity Solutions, NXP Semiconductors. “By integrating the AW611 into the JODY-W5 module, we extend our partnership with u-blox, offering a solution that balances the trade-off between the adoption of latest technologies and product cost.”

“The JODY-W5 module brings another solution to the u-blox automotive portfolio. Keeping the successful u-blox JODY form factor, seamless migration through performance generations, and feature sets for various environmental requirements, the module provides users maximum configuration freedom. Furthermore, it covers RF design and certification requirements for end devices use and applications, which can be extended globally upon request. In collaboration with NXP, u-blox provides hardware and software connectivity for easy integration and long-term support,” says Sebastian Schreiber, Product Strategy, Short Range Radio, at u-blox.

Being globally certified, this module minimizes the need for specific radio testing, enabling a faster time to market and accelerating global sales. The first samples will be available by the end of the third quarter of 2023.

關鍵字: Bluetooth(藍牙, 藍芽u-blox 
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