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Toshiba Launches 1200V Silicon Carbide MOSFET That Contributes to High-efficiency Power Supply

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 報導】   2020年10月19日 星期一


Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation has launched “TW070J120B,” a 1200V silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET for industrial applications that include large capacity power supply. Shipments start today.


The power MOSFET using the SiC, a new material, achieves high voltage resistance, high-speed switching, and low On-resistance compared to conventional silicon (Si) MOSFET, IGBT products. Therefore, it will contribute to lower power consumption and system downsizing.

Fabricated with Toshiba’s second-generation chip design, which improves the reliability of SiC MOSFET, the new device realizes low input capacitance, a low gate-input charge, and low drain-to-source On-resistance. Compared with “GT40QR21,” Toshiba’s 1200V silicon insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), it cuts turn-off switching loss by about 80% and switching time (fall time) by about 70%, while delivering low On-voltage characteristics with a drain current of 20A or less.

Gate threshold voltage is set in the high range of 4.2V to 5.8V, which reduces malfunction risk (unintended turn on or off). Incorporation of an SiC Schottky barrier diode (SBD) with low forward voltage also helps to reduce power loss.

The new MOSFET will contribute to higher efficiency by reducing power loss in industrial applications, such large capacity AC-DC converters, photovoltaic inverter, and large capacity bidirectional DC-DC converters, and will also contribute to reduced equipment size.

關鍵字: solar power  東芝(Toshiba
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