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TI High-Speed Data Converters Offer Enhanced Dynamic Performance for Wireless Co

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 林淑婷報導】   2001年09月03日 星期一


Featuring exceptional dynamic performance for wireless communications, Texas Instruments Incorporated (NYSE: TXN) unveiled a new family of 125-MSPS dual digital-to-analog converters (DAC) providing 10-, 12-, and 14-bit resolution in pin-compatible packages. The high performance and low price of the DAC290x family make it attractive for any communications system utilizing quadrature modulation such as cellular and paging base stations, point-to-point microwave systems, wireless local loop (WLL), wireless LANs, and cable modems. Additionally, the wide supply range (single +3.3V and/or +5V) and low power (310mW power dissipation) make the DAC290x family suitable for test instrumentation and battery-powered applications.

圖為德州儀器推出的High-Speed Dual DACs
圖為德州儀器推出的High-Speed Dual DACs

Designed for use in the transmit section of communications systems, the dual channels offered by the DAC290x are ideal for quadrature modulated signal conversion by providing simultaneous processing and excellent I/Q channel matching. This is critical for maintaining low error-vector magnitudes in systems deploying QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation) or other advanced multilevel modulation schemes.

本  文:

Featuring exceptional dynamic performance for wireless communications, Texas Instruments Incorporated (NYSE: TXN) unveiled a new family of 125-MSPS dual digital-to-analog converters (DAC) providing 10-, 12-, and 14-bit resolution in pin-compatible packages. The high performance and low price of the DAC290x family make it attractive for any communications system utilizing quadrature modulation such as cellular and paging base stations, point-to-point microwave systems, wireless local loop (WLL), wireless LANs, and cable modems. Additionally, the wide supply range (single +3.3V and/or +5V) and low power (310mW power dissipation) make the DAC290x family suitable for test instrumentation and battery-powered applications.

The DAC290x family consists of the DAC2904 (dual 14-bit), DAC2902 (dual 12-bit), and DAC2900 (dual 10-bit). All devices in the family are pin-compatible allowing an easy resolution upgrade path with the same board design. Furthermore, the standard pin-configuration followed by the DAC290x family gives customers a higher dynamic performance, lower power and lower price alternative to pin-compatible competitive devices, and simplifies the in-system evaluation and qualification process.

Designed for use in the transmit section of communications systems, the dual channels offered by the DAC290x are ideal for quadrature modulated signal conversion by providing simultaneous processing and excellent I/Q channel matching. This is critical for maintaining low error-vector magnitudes in systems deploying QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation) or other advanced multilevel modulation schemes.

"Transmit architectures utilizing some form of analog quadrature modulation represent a proven system solution. With the DAC290x family, designers can upgrade their systems for wider bandwidth and higher data rate applications, such as EDGE, while avoiding the high cost of complete redesigns," said Stephan Baier, strategic marketing engineer of TI's high-speed data converter products. "The unmatched price/performance ratio of our new DAC290x family offers the perfect solution for any designer going through a cost reduction cycle without having to sacrifice performance. For example, narrowband spurious-free dynamic range on the DAC2904 is well above the 80dB mark, while wideband ACPR performance is at an impressive -69dB level.""

The DAC2904 and DAC2902 offer 81dB spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) at 5-MHz output frequency and 52-MSPS update rate. The DAC2900 offers 80dB SFDR at 5-MHz output frequency and 52-MSPS update rate. The differential current outputs support a high compliance range of up to +1.25V while maintaining excellent distortion performance.

關鍵字: 微處理器 
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