CTIMES/SmartAuto / 新闻 /
TSMC announced the breakthrough 65nm exposure of technical bottlenecks

【CTIMES / SMARTAUTO ABC_1 报导】    2003年09月13日 星期六


TSMC announced in the third quarter of 2003 to import 90-nanometer process, is expected in early 2004 may have a small amount of product shipments; addition Genda Hu, TSMC is also vice president of marketing, said the company has been associated for 65nm lithography (Lithography) machine bottleneck in the development of a breakthrough in light of the road.

Genda Hu was invited to attend the institute in the "2003 National Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Program opportunities to explore the results will be published in mind" when TSMC announced the progress of the 65-nanometer manufacturing process in part. Due to the current 193nm wavelength exposure machine (Scanner) can do 130nm and 90nm linewidth, to be completed 157nm lithography technology progress of 65nm but delays in TSMC developed between the light source and the wafer adding the liquid, so that the original 193-nm to 132 nm wavelength shorter way to reach the completion 65nm effect.

In addition Genda Hu said TSMC 90nm process technology is already in place, is expected to import trial production in the third quarter, and saw a small amount of product shipped in early 2004; addition, 12-inch plant in the 0.15-micron and 0.13-micron process are has entered the mass production stage, new process technologies for all future products will be developed in a 12-inch plant production.

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