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Evolution of Vehicle MCU and Application Strategies

【作者: Eric Lin】   2010年06月30日 星期三


For all the car electronics, the high-performance 32-bit products are getting more and more popular. The 32-bit MCU will become the core of the car system! It is either 8-bit or 32-bit in the future MCU market and nothing else! What is in between will eventually vanish! In the foreseeable future, MCU suppliers will still maintain parallel multiple product lines, but it is worth the attention on what is coming.

The car industry in Taiwan has been focusing on the rear-end manufacturing and assembly, and not much was put in for system design at the front end. However, as part of the car industry is turning the attention to self-sustainable development, the intelligence of cars is now the priority of development. Taiwan’s companies which are good at system integration have had their eyes on this big piece of pie, and started putting in more resources than ever from the chipsets at the front end to the software at the rear for the development of vehicle technology that matches what is coming.

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