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Disclosure of Battery Management Chip!
Battery Efficiency Solution for Electric Vehicle

【作者: Chung, Jung-Feng】2010年10月19日 星期二



The design of battery management for electric vehicle (EV) will play an important role in enhancing EV efficiency. The measurement and management function of the Battery Management System (BMS) will be very important. The number of battery in series influences the structure of chip design. The charge technology can’t be effectively solved by semiconductor chip only, more combining the characteristics of battery material. Here are many tips and solutions, which can solve issues on battery charge and discharge and interference. However, EV could not be immediately popularized. Battery electric vehicle (BEV) will be a product for vehicle companies to demonstrate their technologies in short term, not a starting point of mass production. It will be the best policy for vehicle employers to install fewer batteries and simultaneously develop HEV.

Best Solution for EV Equipped with Battery Management System

在全球鼓吹节能环保的趋势下,新能源汽车概念正在风起云涌,电动车(Electric Vehicle;EV)更成为各国发展新能源汽车产业的重点项目。全球主要整车车厂都在投入研发油电混合车(HEV)、插电式油电混合车(plug-in HEV;PHEV)和纯电动车(BEV)。市场预估未来三到五年内,油电混合车和纯电动车将会有明显的成长。

Owing to the global promotion of energy saving, the concept of new energy vehicle is rising, which electric vehicle becomes an important item of new energy vehicle industry to develop in each country. The leading vehicle companies develop hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), plug-in HEV (PHEV) and BEV. The market forecasts HEV and BEV will obviously grow in three to five years.


Key components for EV include chargeable lithium battery set, battery control module, battery management system, electric motor control, brake electric recycling, power plug and infrastructure, where the cost of lithium battery set shares the highest part, that for HEV and PHEV battery is estimated to share 40~50% of the whole vehicle and that for BEV battery reaches 60% to show the importance.



The design of power management for EV will be critical in enhancing efficiency in that EV relies on battery as power source. If the power can be supplied more efficiently, charge and discharge accuracy of the Battery Management System (BMS) will be very important.

Combining Battery Measurement and Charge Management


The BMS for EV mainly consists of battery measuring unit and charge management unit. BMS accuracy not only relates to the total power generation of battery set, but also decides the distance that you drive EV.


The battery measuring unit is in charge of collecting battery charge and discharge. Because battery set is formed by a lot of battery unit in series, a system is needed in ordinary or recycling charge to ensure voltage will not exceed the maximum value after each battery unit is charged to avoid thermal defect, which can effectively enhance utilization efficiency. The information can be sent to the management system via CAN bus.


The charge management unit is in charge of monitoring the battery temperature, charge and discharge. This will monitor the temperature, voltage, current, self-discharge balanced voltage and data transmission for each battery unit in battery set. The temperature control unit uses coolant to keep the working temperature of battery set. The charge management unit not only submits the status reports and suggestions according to parameters from dynamic and statistic battery unit, but also stores or sends the data from battery set to the BMS.


电池管理系统BMS通常需要上百路电池单体检测管理的多路电池管理芯片、多路电池电压均衡控制、高电压监控、大电池检测、大型功率半导体组件等等,以便针对复杂的电池系统进行计量管理。英飞凌(Infineon)亚太区汽车电子事业处区域营销协理林庆顺便指出,节能省电设计是克服电动车技术难题最为关键的一步。在电动车关键零组件部份,包括变频器的 IGBT 模块、驱动 IC、离散式高压 MOSFET / IGBT、微控制器及电池管理解决方案,都攸关电动车的行车效能。

The BMS usually needs hundreds of multi-circuit battery management chips for battery test, battery voltage balanced control, high voltage monitoring, large battery test and high power semiconductor devices, so that can measure and manage the complicated battery system. Asian Region Marketing Senior Manager of Infineon Vehicle Electronic Business Division, Lin, Ching-Shun, expressed it is the most critical step for energy saving to overcome technical issue on EV. Key components for EV, including IGBT module in converter, drive IC, discrete high-voltage MOSFET/IGBT, microcontroller, and battery management solution, will be related to EV driving efficiency.

Complicated Series of Battery and Difficult Chip Design


Nowadays there are many types of EV in the concept of new energy vehicle. The hybrid ratio and battery in series of EV are not the same. Relatively, the chip design of the BMS will be more complicated as well.


The ratio of gasoline and battery for HEV and PHEV are roughly 7:3 and 3:7, respectively. Certainly BEV is totally supplied by battery. In addition to the types of EV above-mentioned, there are E-BIKE and E-MOTOR. According to the vehicle size, the number of battery in series for EV will be different. The number of battery in series for E-BIKE needs approximately 7~12, and that for E-MOTOR is 13~24. However, the number of battery in series for EV needs 70~80 and more at least.


The chip accurately controls the residual capacity of EV battery not only to enhance the driving distance but also effectively control charge and discharge efficiency. It is always an important item for the design of BEV power management how the power can be effectively balanced to output. Moreover, the safety and durability of battery must be considered as well. Meanwhile, the BMS in each vehicle market has its verification standards, such as US Q100. China is also working out its vehicle test specification. The battery management chips for EV must be approved by strict vehicle test specifications in each county.

Tip 1: Reading Current Variation without Adding Isolation Film


TI Senior Manager of Analog Product Market in Asian Region, Mao, Chung-Chih, expressed the chip design will be different due to the different number of battery in series. Not relying on a battery management chip only can cover the applications of power chip for EV. Furthermore, the design of battery management chip for EV is different from that for E-MOTOR and E-BIKE. The more number of batteries in series will need to accumulate by stack. At this time, chips need to consider stacked battery charge. The more number of batteries in series, voltage is higher. Some chip manufacturers design other components between chips. Through photo-coupling isolation, the burden caused by single chip will be reduced for battery stack voltage.

凌力尔特(Linear)讯号处理产品部营销经理Brian Black则认为,新一代的电池管理芯片技术,就是可监控堆栈模块内每颗电池的电压,每颗电池管理芯片应该可掌握监控多颗电池。多颗电池管理芯片也可以不需要光耦合器和隔离膜,精准地去监控串联电池串行的每颗电池。毛崇知协理也指出,光耦隔离式的电池管理芯片设计,也需要经过整车车厂长期严格的车规验证。不过目前知名品牌整车车厂在设计电动车电池管理系统时,采用光耦隔离技术的态度较为保守。因为光耦隔离技术多为电源芯片厂商专利所有,整车车厂需支付大笔授权金而使成本提高,同时零组件数也会增加,会让电池供电的可靠度受到影响。

Marketing Manager of Linear Signal Processing Product Division, Brian Black, thought next-generation technology of battery management chip can monitor each battery voltage in stack module. Each battery management chip can control and monitor multiple batteries. Battery management chips can accurately monitor each battery in series without photo coupler and isolation film. Mao, Chung-Chih also pointed out the design of photo-coupling isolation battery management chip needs to strict and long-term test verification by vehicle companies. However, famous vehicle companies hold the more conservative status to use photo-coupling isolation when designing the BMS for EV. Because photo-coupling isolations are patented by power chip manufacturers, vehicle companies need to pay a lot of royalty to increase the cost and components as well as influence battery reliability.



Therefore, by means of reading current variation without isolation film, not directly reading voltage from battery management chip, not only can solve the cost, but also the chips will not suffer from high voltage owing to the more number of battery in series.

Tip 2: Understanding Chip and Battery Material


Mao, Chung-Chih further thought the design of battery management chip for EV can’t be achieved only with semiconductor chip, more combining the characteristics of battery material to accurately control battery efficiency. Battery measurement and charge must be combined in that the BMS accurately control battery efficiency. In addition to understanding how MCU controls battery, software will be a key. Without integrating MCU and software core, the solution can stay at analog front-end circuit only. If software is well programmed, the chemical characteristics of battery material must be controlled.

Key 1: Most Accurate from OCV Curve and Starting from Software


Thus battery management chip and battery material must be simultaneously considered if you want to take care of the BMS for EV. Here, relying on software design is needed if the chips can accurately control battery capacity. That is to say, the core of the BMS is software, not chip.

一颗电动车电池不放电时,也会产生电池两极电位差的所谓开路电压OCV(Open Circuit Voltage)。当电流越大时,电池电量Qmax会跟着缩减,电流和电压的变化,就能算出电阻,而电阻会随着温度和电池老化程度有所不同。毛崇知协理深入分析指出,不同的电池材料所产生的化学特性,都会产生独特的OCV曲线,且不同的温度和电池老化程度,其所产生的OCV曲线也不尽相同。这也是为什么,当各个车厂采用各自化学配方和材料属性的电动车电池时,对于芯片厂商来说,计量电动车电池会是这么具有挑战性的原因。

When a battery for EV doesn’t discharge, the potential difference between two battery electrodes, so-called Open Circuit Voltage (OCV), will be produced. When current is larger, the battery capacity Qmax will decrease. According to current and voltage variation, resistance can be calculated and will change with the temperature and the aging extent of battery. Mao, Chung-Chih further analyzed and pointed out the chemical characteristics produced by different battery materials will show unique OCV curves. The OCV curves are not exactly the same due to the different temperature and the aging extent of battery. This is the reason why measuring EV battery is a challenge for chip manufacturers when each vehicle company uses EV batteries according their chemical recipes and material properties.


Because different battery materials show unique OCV curves, they can be read and compensated to further and accurately control the battery capacity for EV by controlling unique OCV curves and equations from each kind of battery material in advance along with logical operation. This can effectively replace the limitation to read battery voltage variation.

Key 2: Acquiring Discharge Curve Slope from Battery Material


The materials of lithium battery for EV can be roughly classified as lithium cobalt, lithium manganese, lithium iron phosphate and Li (NiCo) O2 battery commonly used in Japan. Mao, Chung-Chih pointed out the OCV curves of lithium cobalt and lithium manganese battery have constant slope. On the strength of measuring voltage variation to discharge curve slope, the certain residual measure (RM) of battery can be controlled. Although the discharge curves of lithium iron phosphate or lithium iron battery keep fair without slope and voltage looks like no change, RM could have large difference. The way of reading voltage to control RM is not enough accurate.


The mode employed to read voltage and control RM not only can’t control the accurate battery capacity, but also the problems will be issued on the effect of battery balance, especially lithium iron phosphate and lithium iron batteries. This is the reason why lithium iron phosphate battery can’t be effectively mass produced. The first is low production consistency, not enough automatic production and measurement equipment. The second is the issues above-mentioned when designing BMS chips.


For the design of high-voltage charge and discharge chips with different battery materials, no power chip manufacturers can provide fixed solution until now. In fact, it will not have. Power chip manufacturers must plan solutions in compliance with battery materials and properties for EV together with their charge and discharge designs according to battery with different properties.

Difficult to Solve Charge and Discharge and Interference Resistance

Tip on Battery Management Chip


Because lithium battery almost shows flat voltage curve, it will be a key to accurately monitoring voltage and measuring the battery temperature if you want to enhance the charge and discharge efficiency of lithium battery. Battery management chip not only monitors voltage in each battery, but also the battery temperature, detect error and control charge and discharge balance.

Linear营销经理Brian Black指出,因为锂电池对于过充和过放电都相当敏感,因此要提升油电混合车和电动车锂电池充放电的控制平衡能力,每颗电池的欠压或过压状态必须受到严格地监控,透过MOSFET开关可以释放每颗电池过充的电池电能。Brian Black表示,这样的设计,也可以让油电混合车和电动车的系统设计师,有效改善提升针对电池充放电平衡的算法机制。在监控锂电池温度方面,电池管理芯片可以透过外部化的热敏电阻(thermistors)设计来达成,其中内建的温度传感器,可藉由监测电路设计掌握明线链接(open wire connections)的疏漏之处。

Linear Marketing Manager, Brian Black, pointed out the ability to control and balance charge and discharge of lithium battery for HEV and EV must be enhanced because lithium battery is sensitive to over charge and discharge. The under or over voltage state in each battery must be strictly monitored. Overcharged power in each battery can be released via MOSFET switch. Brian Black expressed such design can allow HEV and EV system designers to effectively improve and enhance algorithm of battery charge and discharge balance. Battery management chip can monitor the temperature of lithium battery via external thermistors, where built-in temperature sensor can control open wire connections by monitoring circuit.


Mao, Chung-Chih further expressed the battery discharge mode adapted from high battery to low battery. This would not only greatly reduce power utility, but also cause the quick decay of battery and reduce efficiency when a battery charges. This was not caused by the chemical characteristics of battery, mainly due to poor balance efficiency. On designing battery management chip for EV, excessive power can be transferred to low power battery via PowerPump method. Thus the optimum balance of battery charge and discharge can be achieved.



Lin, Ching-Shun pointed out battery charge and discharge will reduce if cells are arranged with inappropriate capacity. This influence will increasingly become obvious with time. Here, battery can actively control and monitor each cell to balance battery in accordance with active inductance battery, so that the battery completes 100% charge and discharge.

另一方面,由于高电压变频器所产生的声频噪音和共膜噪声,也会影响电池堆栈管理系统运作和互通的效能。新的量测方式必须抛弃以往监控高共膜电压(common mode voltage)和堆栈模块内各个电池位置之间关系的方式。

On the other hand, audio and common-mode noise due to high-voltage inverter will influence the operation of battery stack management system and interconnection efficiency. New measurement must discard the method to monitor the relation of each battery location in common mode voltage and stack module.

Brian Black认为,提升电池管理芯片监控效能,提高锂电池寿命,才能延长油电混合车和电动车的行车距离,进一步提高这些新能源汽车车种的可靠度。亦即,精确的电池管理芯片监控效能,也才能让锂电池发挥最大化功能,缩小了电池量测的不确定性,并提高油电混合车和电动车在防护测试(guardband)的可靠度。

Brian Black thought not only can enhance the efficiency of battery management chip but also the lifetime of lithium battery to extend the driving distance of HEV and EV as well as further improve reliability for new energy vehicles. Namely, battery management chip that accurately monitor not only can maximize lithium battery and reduce the uncertainty of battery measurement, but also enhance guardband reliability for HEV and EV.

Electric Motor Needed to Solve Besides Battery


The BMS is a key to enhancing EV efficiency. The control components for EV will be an important link to enhance thermal dissipation and reliability.


For electric motor, Lin, Ching-Shun pointed out, one of current technical challenges is how to enhance thermal dissipation and reliability. Because power components (inverter) in control unit for electric motor need to cool with water relative to control unit for internal combustion engine, the whole price will be more expensive. If manufacturers try to reduce switch loss, the load for cooling requirement can be dropped.


However, transfer loss will influence the driving mileage as well. Power stored in the battery will decide the range of EV mileage. Here, power semiconductor can make great contribution to reduce transfer loss. In addition, the other way is to integrate the control unit into electric motor in that electric motor itself needs thermal dissipation. Moreover, the concept of innovative package will contribute to thermal dissipation.

EV Popularization Needed to Wait


Although EV is ready to expect, the technical innovation depending on EV itself only doesn’t represent it can be smoothly accepted by the market. It is necessary to combine the external environment and condition.

High Battery Price and Charge Speed Not Quick


First of all, the current price of battery still stays high. The schedule to sell EV on the market could be influenced. A study report for EV industry recently issued by EnergyTrend under TRENDFORCE pointed out the gasoline variation and the expensive price of the battery are still great challenge for EV. In comparison with general gasoline fuel vehicle and new HEV, the utility cost of HEV will be considerable to that for general gasoline fuel vehicle when the gasoline price is about US$4 per gallon; PHEV or BEV can further balance the cost of the vehicle price under the condition of higher gasoline price. Because the battery still stays at the higher price, consumers will have willingness to purchase EV in a prerequisite that shows the obvious difference when the vehicle and gasoline prices balance.


Don’t forget the time to charge BEV takes about one hour. If the speed to charge battery can’t be quick, acceptance on the market will somewhat retain. Mao, Chung-Chih specially emphasized the charge technology for EV can’t be effectively solved by semiconductor chip only, more combining the characteristics of battery material. This R&D schedule still has long run to go. BEV will be a product for vehicle companies to demonstrate their technologies in short term, not a starting point of mass production.


Priority to Arrange Few Batteries and Hybrid Electric Combination


Seen from the development trend of EV price, the vehicle price stays high owing to insufficient electric degree in that vehicle companies have limited development resources. For different types of EV, more used batteries represent the higher cost. Before vehicle companies introduce EV in large scale, they must understand the market movement. When EV products are manufactured in the early stage, the arrangement of few batteries or HEV should be simultaneously developed, not just manufacturing BEV. Not only can avoid the excessive cost of EV, but also can reduce the dependence of hardware infrastructure not popularized.

Opportunity to Combine External Conditions for EV Industry to Mature


HEV and BEV are industries driven by technology. New vehicle manufacturers will consider related technologies as existing game rules to change automobile industry and opportunities to build up the market. From the whole measures, policy subsidiaries can much influence the growth of HEV and PHEV; related charge infrastructure will directly popularize BEV.


If the promotion is based on technology to fulfill ecological environment for EV, each kind of component will be needed to cooperate. It will not enough to effectively popularize EV only if consumers understand petroleum fuel to have the negative impact on environment and are willing to make change by action. These conditions include the adjustment of gasoline price, the development of infrastructure by the government, the support of charge station, even reward measure for EV, as well as allow consumers to permanently reply on the regulations of electric vehicle.Certainly vehicle companies and battery management chip manufacturers overcome technical issues on battery material and BMS, provide EV products in compliance with customer’s requirements and build up most users, which can expand the influence of EV on the market as well.

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