相關物件共 93
甲骨文正式推出Java 18 (2022.03.30)
甲骨文公司推出 Java 18,這是該程式設計語言和開發平台的最新版本。Java 18 (Oracle JDK 18) 在效能、穩定性及安全性方面有諸多改進,包括為平台提供九項增強功能,進一步提升開發人員的生產力
第九屆盛群盃HOLTEK MCU創意大賽─藍色家電綠色智慧生活 (2015.11.11)
甲骨文Java平台未來展望 展示Java技術最新成果 (2013.09.27)
於舊金山舉辦的2013年JavaOne大會主題演說中,甲骨文Java開發團隊主管勾勒Java平臺的未來展望,同時展示最新的Java技術創新成果,並推出開放原始碼的Project Avatar。 Java技術展示的重點方向 ‧ Java SE (Java Platform Standard Edition, Java平台標準版)的重要發佈
一款 Java 開發工具,包含JDK、JavaFX、NetBeans、Java EE、說明文件...等。-Java SE 工具 (2012.05.24)
一款 Java 開發工具,包含JDK、JavaFX、NetBeans、Java EE、說明文件...等。
-JAMWiki (2011.04.07)
JAMWiki is a Wiki engine implemented using Java/JSP that attempts to provide much of the functionality of MediaWiki. It can be run with or without a database and is designed to be fast and easy to set up. Visit http://jamwiki
-HPC Portal Development Platform (2010.10.27)
HPC Portal Development Platform provides the well-designed portal development platform for Java/Java EE developers in the fields of high performance computing and E-Business. It can also be the education or other kind of portal development platform
-Joda - Time (2010.08.09)
Joda-Time provides a library of classes to replace the Java JDK Date and Time classes including formatting. It is based around the ISO8601 datetime standard, but also provides full support for other calendar systems, such as Gregorian and Buddhist
-RES - An Open Cobol To Java Translator (2010.08.06)
RES is a pure Java based Open Source Cobol to Java translator. It creates maintainable Java code for a subset of VS Cobol syntax. It has been developed with JDK, JTB and Javacc. VS Cobol II and additions parsed. Translated Java code can be run directly or refactored on IDE easily
-sqlg2 (2010.07.31)
SQLG2 is preprocessor and library that combines ideas of JDBC, SQLJ and iBATIS to simplify writing DB access code for small and medium-sized applications, making it similar to PL/SQL development. It is intended for use under JDK 1
-Ja.NET - Java Development Tools for .NET (2010.07.28)
The Ja.NET project provides open source Java development tools (e.g. Java 5 JDK ) and runtimes for .NET. With the help of Ja.NET's open source software, you can leverage your Java investments on .NET.
-Java Object Base 1.2 (2008.06.27)
Java Object Base is an API providing persistence in Java. This API introduces the concept of persistent maps extending JDK maps. Persistent maps are processed in transactional contexts. They support application identity as well as datastore identity
-DB2JMIN (An easy-to-use MULTI-DB Client) 0.1.9 (2008.05.05)
Web-Based/Desktop DB2, ORACLE, DERBY, FIREBIRD, MYSQL,POSTGRE client (general-purpose), inspired on phpMyAdmin. It runs on Tomcat 5.5 or SWING with JDK 1.5 (Multi-plataform, Schema Browsing, Tables Browsing, Tables Structure,
-Joda - Time 1.0.2 (2008.03.16)
Joda-Time provides a library of classes to replace the Java JDK Date and Time classes including formatting. It is based around the ISO8601 datetime standard, but also provides full support for other calendar systems, such as Gregorian and Buddhist
-JDateUtil 0.1 (2008.03.12)
JDateUtil is a Java utility class providing methods to simplify use of java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar and other date/time related JDK classes.
-DB2JMIN (An easy-to-use MULTI-DB Client) 0.1.5 (2008.02.26)
Web-Based/Desktop DB2, ORACLE, DERBY, FIREBIRD, MYSQL,POSTGRE client (general-purpose), inspired on phpMyAdmin. It runs on Tomcat 5.5 or SWING with JDK 1.5 (Multi-plataform, Schema Browsing, Tables Browsing, Tables Structure,
-Jwebap-profiler for j2ee application jwebap_0.5.8 (2008.02.25)
Jwebap is an profiler tool for j2ee application with jdk 1.4 and up.You can use it to monitor method,jdbc,jsp executions etc.And then view in a web console.It can be used not only in test environment but production environment with very low-overhead
-BSerialver Initial Release (2008.02.19)
A simple GUI interface that runs the Java JDK tool serialver on a specified class and returns the serialVersionUID.
-Java Object Base 1.1 (2008.02.15)
Java Object Base is an API providing persistence in Java. This API introduces the concept of persistent maps extending JDK maps. Persistent maps are processed in transactional contexts. They support application identity as well as datastore identity
-Retrotranslator Retrotranslator-1.2.4 (2008.01.29)
Retrotranslator is a Java bytecode transformer that translates Java classes compiled with JDK 5.0 into classes that can be run on JVM 1.4.
-Joda - Time 1.5.1 (2007.12.05)
Joda-Time provides a library of classes to replace the Java JDK Date and Time classes including formatting. It is based around the ISO8601 datetime standard, but also provides full support for other calendar systems, such as Gregorian and Buddhist

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2 Basler全新AI影像分析軟體符合複雜應用需求
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5 Littelfuse推出高頻應用的雙5安培低壓側MOSFET柵極驅動器
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