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明纬推出NSP-1600/3200系列1600W & 3200W高功率电源供应器 (2022.08.16) 近年来疫情影响供应链原物料出现长短料现象,明纬RSP-1500、RSP-1600、RSP-3000、DPU-3200等高功率系列虽已上市多年,为了能提供给广大使用者稳定货源需求,新推出价格更具竞争力、交期更快的1600~3200W高功率、高可靠度的NSP-1600/3200系列 |
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NXP针对多功能汽车钥匙设计单芯片解决方案 (2011.06.30) 恩智浦半导体(NXP)近日宣布,推出针对多功能汽车钥匙所设计,可立即生产的单芯片解决方案— NCF2970(KEyLink Lite)。藉由导入近距离无线通信(NFC)技术增强汽车钥匙的功能,恩智浦的KEyLink Lite解决方案可与NFC手机、平板计算机、笔记本电脑等外部设备链接,协助汽车制造商打造全新的驾驶体验 |
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-firecat (2011.06.24) Firecat is a Server-Side JavaScript(NSP) Webserver written in Java. It is similar to ASP and JSP, but it uses JavaScript as the main scripting language. It can run on any JVM, but the main target will be Free Runtimes such as SableVM, JamVM and Kaffe |
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-Ngram Statistics Package (2011.04.01) The Ngram Statistics Package (ngram) is a suite of Perl programs that identifies significant multi word units (collocations) in written text using many different tests of association. NSP/ngram allows a user to add their own tests with minimal effort |
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晶硅、薄膜、高聚光互不相让 ! (2010.12.13) 无论是单/多晶硅、薄膜还是高聚光型太阳能技术,都各有可持续发展的应用领域,目标都是希望能够建立稳定供应且具市场竞争能力的量产规模。量产规模若要可长可久,是需要透过能源转换、制程方法以及材料应用此三种关键的技术提升,来达到降低成本的效果 |
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PV Taiwan起跑 多晶硅,薄膜,高聚光互不相让 (2010.10.26) 台湾国际太阳光电展会(PV Taiwan 2010)今日于世贸一馆热烈展开,包括单/多晶硅、薄膜(Thin Film)以及新兴的高聚光型(HCPV)三大太阳能电池及相关模块产品,成为台厂展会中争相竞逐的焦点 |
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工研院@2010台北计算机应用展 技术体验暨说明会 (2010.08.05) 工研院南分院参加2010台北计算机应用,将展出多项未来智能生活新科技,包括率先于车载平台上实现Android系统的「Android系统车载娱乐平台」、挥挥手就能与之互动的「3D互动宠物狗」、不用键盘鼠标就可操作的「远程家庭多媒体分享系统」、以及贴心又人性化的「科技化照护辅助系统」等等 |
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浅谈WiMAX Femto System发展现况 (2009.03.04) Femtocell 是最近在通信网路设备大厂中最夯的议题,透过在家中布建微型基地台,电信业者可以进一步将服务延伸到使用者的家中。有鉴于这一波的商机,WiMAX Forum特别有一个小组来研究相关的议题 |
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WiMAX连线服务网路中行动管理机制 (2008.07.02) 原本的IEEE 802.16只支援固定的通讯装置,使用者可能无法一边走路一边透过802.16无线网路来通讯,这样将会大幅降低WiMAX的潜在商机。为了能够让802.16支援行动通讯的功能,IEEE因此制订了802.16的扩充版本,称之为802.16e |
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第二届凌阳杯成果展创意惊艳 第三届风云再起 (2008.05.25) 由凌阳集团赞助、勤益科技大学主办的「第二届凌阳杯系统芯片应用创意设计大赛」21日于凌阳科技举行优秀作品成果展,来自全国各大专院校学生,展示各种利用凌阳科技SPCE061A开发板所制作的作品 |
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凌阳杯系统芯片创意应用设计大赛第二届成果展暨第三届捐赠仪式 (2008.05.20) 凌阳集团将于凌阳科技总部举办「凌阳杯系统芯片创意应用设计大赛」第二届成果展暨第三届捐赠仪式。
第二届凌阳杯系统芯片创意应用设计大赛历经半年,共选拔出多队优秀作品,参赛同学使用内嵌凌阳16位微控器μ'nsp的SPCE061A开发板,设计出如智能家庭、车用防盗、互动机器人等创意产品 |
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-Ngram Statistics Package Text-NSP-1.05 (2008.03.21) The Ngram Statistics Package (ngram) is a suite of Perl programs that identifies significant multi word units (collocations) in written text using many different tests of association. NSP/ngram allows a user to add their own tests with minimal effort |
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希捷科技-2007年第四季末媒体说明会 (2007.08.10) 希捷科技将举行季末媒体说明会,分享希捷在这一季的成绩,并说明希捷最新财报结果、企业动态与对未来的产品布局。
在2007年的第四季,希捷推出三款功能创新完善的FreeAgent系列外接式/行动硬盘,广受业界好评 |
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-Ngram Statistics Package Text-NSP-1.03 (2006.09.17) The Ngram Statistics Package (ngram) is a suite of Perl programs that identifies significant multi word units (collocations) in written text using many different tests of association. NSP/ngram allows a user to add their own tests with minimal effort |
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-Ngram Statistics Package Text-NSP-0.97 (2006.06.22) The Ngram Statistics Package (NSP/ngram) is a suite of Perl programs allows a user to identify significant Ngrams that appear in large corpora of text using standard tests of association. NSP/ngram allows a user to add their |
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TI网络支持套件提供先进QoS功能 (2006.05.12) 德州仪器 (TI) 宣布大幅更新其网关软件解决方案。最新的3.7.1版网络支持套件 (Network Support
Package,NSP) 可让制造商更轻松快速地强化整个产品线,同时加快新产品的上市时程与投资回报 |
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-Ngram Statistics Package nsp-v0.91 (2006.04.21) The Ngram Statistics Package (NSP/ngram) is a suite of Perl programs allows a user to identify significant Ngrams that appear in large corpora of text using standard tests of association. NSP/ngram allows a user to add their |
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-firecat firecat_1_0_0_beta_2 (2006.04.03) Firecat is a Server-Side JavaScript(NSP) Webserver written in Java. It is similar to ASP and JSP, but it uses JavaScript as the main scripting language. It can run on any JVM, but the main target will be Free Runtimes such as SableVM, JamVM and Kaffe |
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-firecat firecat_1_0_0_beta_1 (2006.01.10) Firecat is a Server-Side JavaScript(NSP) Webserver written in Java. It is similar to ASP and JSP, but it uses JavaScript as the main scripting language. It can run on any JVM, but the main target will be Free Runtimes such as SableVM, Kaffe and Harmony |
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-Ngram Statistics Package nsp-v0.73 (2005.08.10) The Ngram Statistics Package (NSP/ngram) is a suite of Perl programs allows a user to identify significant Ngrams that appear in large corpora of text using standard tests of association. NSP/ngram allows a user to add their |