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報告:僅三分之一全球企業擁有24小時網路資安防護 (2024.10.22)
-CRD 6.6.090511 (2009.05.21)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
-CRD 6.6.090223 (2009.03.05)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
-CRD 6.6 (2008.07.25)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
WiMAX指定實驗室CCS採用R&S 測試系統 (2008.07.02)
程智科技(CCS)與電信技術中心(TTC)共同為WiMAX ForumR遴選台灣第二家指定認證試驗室,可提供固定式及移動式WiMAXR測試認證服務。在全球六家WiMAX ForumR指定認證實驗室(WFDCL)中,有兩家位於台灣,足見台灣在WiMAX領域已受到WiMAX ForumR的肯定,具有深厚的影響力
安捷倫獲Sequans行動WiMAX協定符合性測試合約 (2008.06.20)
安捷倫科技(Agilent Technologies Inc.)宣佈取得行動WiMAX矽晶片和參考設計廠商Sequans的行動WiMAX協定符合性測試(PCT)合約。Sequans將使用安捷倫的N6430A行動WiMAX PCT系統,對其行動台和基地台參考設計進行先期認證測試
耕興實驗室採用R&S設備通過CTIA認可 (2008.06.19)
CTIA和Wi-Fi聯盟最近認證耕興股份有限公司的內湖實驗室為CATL,可使用的R&S TS8991測試系統進行符合無線設備OTA性能測試的測試規劃和Wi-Fi無線裝置的射頻性能評估,擴充在2G/3G行動電話及Wi-Fi行動通訊產品的OTA測試業務
安捷倫WiMAX測試設備獲Bureau Veritas ADT採用 (2008.06.10)
安捷倫科技(Agilent)宣佈已自台灣最大的WiMAX測試與認證公司Bureau Veritas ADT手中取得行動WiMAX協定符合性測試(PCT)合約。Bureau Veritas ADT主要為國際團體提供行動WiMAX測試與認證服務,他們將使用安捷倫的N6430A行動WiMAX PCT系統來提供WiMAX認證服務
首度對外開放  Agilent在中壢成立無線通訊實驗室 (2008.03.20)
無線通訊量測儀器大廠安捷倫科技(Agilent Technologies)今日(20日)在中壢辦公室宣佈成立無線通訊實驗室,將針對WiMAX及其他無線通訊設計驗證、通訊協定符合性和互通性測試部分,提供台灣無線通訊設備廠商先期驗證測試服務
AT4 wireless採用安捷倫WiMAX輻射效能測試設備 (2008.01.30)
安捷倫科技(Agilent)與ETS-Lindgren宣佈AT4 wireless無線實驗室決定採用他們所提供的WiMAX輻射效能測試(RPT)設備。AT4 wireless是提供WiMAX輻射效能測試的實驗室之一。 AT4 wireless美國分公司決定利用ETS-Lindgren的RPT系統來開發RPT能力
AT4 wireless採安捷倫行動WiMAX協定符合性測試 (2008.01.02)
安捷倫科技(Agilent)與AT4 wireless共同宣佈AT4 wireless的WiMAX Forum先導實驗室將採用安捷倫的N6430A WiMAX協定符合性測試(PCT)與開發解決方案,該解決方案是以Agilent E6651A行動WiMAX綜合測試儀為基礎,其可用於WiMAX裝置的PCT測試
安捷倫取得南韓TTA行動WiMAX協定測試合約 (2007.12.25)
安捷倫(Agilent)宣佈將與亞洲最大的測試與認證機構,南韓電信技術協會(TTA)簽訂行動WiMAX協定符合性測試(PCT)合約。TTA主要為國際團體提供行動WiMAX測試與認證服務,此次希望將安捷倫的N6430A行動WiMAX PCT和開發系統納入其基地台與行動台測試解決方案中
安捷倫與ETS-Lindgren展出WiMAX RPT解決方案 (2007.10.31)
安捷倫科技(Agilent Technologies Inc.)與ETS-Lindgren在台北WiMAX論壇展覽暨會議中展出業界首款WiMAX輻射效能測試(RPT)解決方案。整合Agilent E6651A行動WiMAX 綜合測試儀和Agilent EXA信號分析儀的AMS-8500系統解決方案,現在正式納入了WiMAX RPT
-CRD 6.5 Build 20070618 (2007.06.20)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
-CRD 6.1 Build 20070411 (2007.04.13)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
同步正弦波與餘弦波產生器優勢探討 (2007.01.22)
背光模組業 發展空間大 (2007.01.19)
目前在整個LCD TV材料成本結構中,背光模組占整體材料比重約30%,相較於17吋監視器面板的21.5%比重偏高,因此在面板廠持續降低成本的努力下,背光模組是面板廠商首號目標
-CRD 6.1 Build 20070117 (2007.01.18)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
-CRD 6.0 20060607 (2006.06.10)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
-CRD 5.7 b20051212 (2005.12.16)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports

     [1]  2   [下一頁]

1 雅特力AT32F421遙控攀爬車電子調速新方案,助力征服極端地形
2 貿澤開售適用於消費性和醫療穿戴式裝置的 全新STMicroelectronics含vAFE的ST1VAFE3BX生物感測器
3 Nordic Semiconductor的nPM2100電源管理IC延長一次電池供電藍牙低功耗產品的電池壽命
4 Rohde & Schwarz推出 R&S ScopeStudio 助力開發團隊的基於個人電腦的示波器解決方案
5 貿澤電子即日起供貨ADI邊緣運算平台,可支援自主機器人和自動駕駛車中的機器視覺
6 群閎攜手R&S共創WiFi 7與5G檢測新標杆,助力企業拓展全球版圖
7 意法半導體推出適用於車用微控制器的可配置電源管理 IC
8 Silicon Labs BG22L及BG24L精巧版SoC提供應用優化的 超低功耗藍牙連接
9 泓格iSN-811C-MTCP紅外線感測模組 從溫度掌握工業製造的安全與先機


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