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甲骨文正式推出Java 18 (2022.03.30)
甲骨文公司推出 Java 18,這是該程式設計語言和開發平台的最新版本。Java 18 (Oracle JDK 18) 在效能、穩定性及安全性方面有諸多改進,包括為平台提供九項增強功能,進一步提升開發人員的生產力
甲骨文Java平台未來展望 展示Java技術最新成果 (2013.09.27)
於舊金山舉辦的2013年JavaOne大會主題演說中,甲骨文Java開發團隊主管勾勒Java平臺的未來展望,同時展示最新的Java技術創新成果,並推出開放原始碼的Project Avatar。 Java技術展示的重點方向 ‧ Java SE (Java Platform Standard Edition, Java平台標準版)的重要發佈
多核心軟體開發的關鍵:Pthread (2012.05.13)
Oracle告Android侵權 美專利局逐一駁回 (2012.03.26)
關於Oracle對Google Android的侵權控訴,陸續遭到美國專利商標局(USPTO)的駁回。在幾個月(2011年12月)的月初,先駁回Oracle主張Android對7,426,720號專利所有權的侵權行為,接著在月底又駁回Oracle要求對其6,192,476號專利進行複審要求
JRemoteRun 允許在運行中的 JVM 執行 Java 代碼片斷工具。-JRemoteRun (2011.08.17)
JRemoteRun 允許在運行中的 JVM 執行 Java 代碼片斷工具。
-firecat (2011.06.24)
Firecat is a Server-Side JavaScript(NSP) Webserver written in Java. It is similar to ASP and JSP, but it uses JavaScript as the main scripting language. It can run on any JVM, but the main target will be Free Runtimes such as SableVM, JamVM and Kaffe
-JvmConnector for C# (2011.05.01)
Launch jvm in C#. Bridge Java to C#. when getting JvmConnector, you can expand C# for using Java coded classes with jvm...
一款Java生成橫幅製成字符工具。它可以使用內部bitmap字體或JVM系統 TTF 字體。-Java Text Banner (2011.04.23)
一款Java生成橫幅製成字符工具。它可以使用內部bitmap字體或JVM系統 TTF 字體。
-Janel: Java Native Executable / Launcher (2011.04.09)
Janel is a Java native executable and launcher for Windows. Launch your Java application just like other Windows executables. Choose console or non-console application, the location of the JVM, and other properties. The process name is same as
ClassGhost是一款小工具,可以重新定義文件在運行的JVM。-Class Ghost (2011.01.26)
-vRules4j-Java Object Validation Engine (2010.10.12)
vRules4j--The best completely Object Oriented Java Object Validation/Decision Rule engine,which is born for taking over all validation responsibility in java business-enterprise industry and looking forward to providing Perfect/Lightweight solution
-Speaking Alarm (2010.08.28)
This is an application where one can set the task to be reminded of in future and you will be notified at that time by voice. You have the option of choosing male/female voice too. Besides, you can choose the time in seconds, minutes or hours
Jensor是一款重量輕,低開銷的Java探查器,使用Java內置的BCI。-Jensor Java Profiler (2010.06.25)
-jRegenerate (2010.06.23)
jRegenerate is a fast and easy way to create Java classes that can regenerate lost files. Simply point it at a file to make regenerative and let it go! Written in Java for platform independence. Make any necessary program file resurrect itself! Works for icons, images, video, source code, anything! Bypasses JVM limitations by building multiple methods to recreate the files
-jeeObserver (2010.06.03)
JeeObserver is an open source java monitoring tool used to analyze java applications and servers performance. It can monitor servlets, JSF actions, EJB beans, JVM cpu and memory usage and HTTP sessions. Full documentation at www
Android平台軟體架構設計 (2009.05.05)
-TriPeaks Solitaire in Java TriPeaks 3.0b5 (2008.08.20)
TriPeaks solitaire is a card game in which you remove cards adjacent (by value) to the current card to clear the board. Since this is written in Java, it will work anywhere a JVM is installed.
-JScript JScript Beta 1.1 build 0808 (2008.08.14)
JScript is Java Interpreter that parse and execute pure java code and share the resource with current JVM. In addition, a java command line console is included. It's easy to create script program in Java grammar by it.
-Apatar Data Integration/ETL Apatar v1.1.15.0 (2008.08.06)
Apatar is an open source Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) project. Modular architecture delivers 1. Visual job designer/mapping 2. Connectivity to all major data sources 3. Flexible Deployment Options (GUI, or server engine with JVM, or embedded)
-TriPeaks Solitaire in Java TriPeaks 3.0b4 (2008.07.22)
TriPeaks solitaire is a card game in which you remove cards adjacent (by value) to the current card to clear the board. Since this is written in Java, it will work anywhere a JVM is installed.

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1 雅特力AT32F421遙控攀爬車電子調速新方案,助力征服極端地形
2 貿澤開售適用於消費性和醫療穿戴式裝置的 全新STMicroelectronics含vAFE的ST1VAFE3BX生物感測器
3 Nordic Semiconductor的nPM2100電源管理IC延長一次電池供電藍牙低功耗產品的電池壽命
4 Rohde & Schwarz推出 R&S ScopeStudio 助力開發團隊的基於個人電腦的示波器解決方案
5 貿澤電子即日起供貨ADI邊緣運算平台,可支援自主機器人和自動駕駛車中的機器視覺
6 群閎攜手R&S共創WiFi 7與5G檢測新標杆,助力企業拓展全球版圖
7 意法半導體推出適用於車用微控制器的可配置電源管理 IC
8 Silicon Labs BG22L及BG24L精巧版SoC提供應用優化的 超低功耗藍牙連接
9 泓格iSN-811C-MTCP紅外線感測模組 從溫度掌握工業製造的安全與先機


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