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漢翔、成大合作研發散熱系統 順利在美隨火箭升空 (2019.11.04) 繼今(2019)年10月揭曉的諾貝爾物理獎由加拿大物理學及理論宇宙學家James Peebles與瑞士天文學家Michel Mayor、Didier Queloz共享殊榮之後,該領域學者所仰賴的尖端物理研究設備須不斷推陳出新,也隨之更受重視 |
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一款回合制的戰略遊戲軟體。-Zvjezdojedac (2011.05.01) 一款回合制的戰略遊戲軟體。 |
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Wi-Fi Direct與藍牙3.0競爭難免 USB也遭殃 (2009.10.20) Wi-Fi Direct與藍牙3.0競爭難免 USB也遭殃 |
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-Antares - PHP Framework couch potato (2008.06.21) Antares is a PHP Framework, which focuses on organic rapid application development. Unlike most PHP frameworks, Antares provides non intrusive solution to the MVC paradigm. Please join our community at http://antares-project. |
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-Antares - PHP Framework spud macpotato (2008.02.12) Antares is a PHP Framework, which focuses on organic rapid application development. Unlike most PHP frameworks, Antares provides non intrusive solution to the MVC paradigm. Please join our community at http://antares-project. |
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-Antares Project - PHP Framework potato egg and cheese taquito (2007.12.02) Antares is a PHP 5 Framework intended to provide a community network allowing developers to publish, rate, and grow code up the Antares latter. The main idea is re-usability, agility, and standard compliant non intrusive development |
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-Antares Project Baked Potato (2007.11.03) Antares is a PHP 5 Framework intended to provide a community network allowing developers to publish, rate, and grow code up the Antares latter. The main idea is re-usability, agility, and standard compliant non intrusive development |
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-Antares Project mrpotatohead (2007.07.21) Antares is a PHP 5 Framework intended to provide a community network allowing developers to publish, rate, and grow code up the Antares latter. The main idea is re-usability, agility, and standard compliant non intrusive development |
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-ANTARES snapshots (2007.04.06) The Advanced Network Traffic Analysis Research and Exploration Suite (ANTARES) is a toolkit for working with flow attributes - computations that can be used to distinguish between different uses of the network, even without using packet payloads |
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-ANTARES thesis_data (2007.01.07) The Advanced Network Traffic Analysis Research and Exploration Suite (ANTARES) is a toolkit for working with flow attributes - computations that can be used to distinguish between different uses of the network, even without using packet payloads |
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-Master Of Orion 2 Resource Editor (2006.01.31) This is a resource editor for TBS Master Of Orion 2: Battle At Antares. |
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FSI ANTARESR清洗設備再創佳績 (2005.07.05) 全球性半導體製程設備、技術及支援服務供應商-FSI International日前宣佈,由於歐洲、亞太地區、日本和美國主要半導體廠商的需求強勁,該公司ANTARESR CryoKinetic清洗設備的銷售在2005年第三個會計季再創佳績 |
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FSI的CryoKinetic技術受90奈米晶圓生產商青睞 (2005.07.04) 半導體製程設備、技術及支援服務供應商FSI International宣佈,由於歐洲、亞太地區、日本和美國主要半導體廠商的需求強勁,該公司Antares CryoKinetic清洗設備的銷售在2005年第三個會計季再創佳績 |
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FSI新式晶圓清洗設備獲歐洲半導體大廠採用 (2004.11.24) 晶圓表面處理設備與技術供應商FSI International宣佈該公司ANTARE清洗設備,已獲得一家歐洲IC製造大廠的訂單,這家歐洲IC製造商是在評估FSI設備的微粒缺陷去除能力後,決定將在前段和後段製程中利用這套設備處理先進元件 |
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FSI乾式晶圓清洗系統獲日本大廠採用 (2003.12.15) 全球性半導體製程設備業者FSI日前宣布,該公司配備AspectClean技術的多反應室 ANTARES CX 先進清潔系統已獲一家日本IC製造業者採用;該系統將被應用在130奈米及以下前段與後段的清洗製程上,進行平面與元件結構上的微污染顆粒清除程序 |
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半導體設備暨材料展廠商巡禮 (2003.10.05) 在9月15~17日於台北舉辦的2003年台灣半導體設備暨材料展,主題是半導體製造設備與材料,在經歷前兩年的低迷景氣與SARS的風暴後,半導體產業確定邁上復甦道路,另外在技術製程的進展方面 |