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Imagination MIPS前進微伺服器市場 (2013.09.03)
Imagination和Mentor擴大合作夥伴關係 (2013.08.28)
Imagination Technologies宣佈,已與明導國際(Mentor Graphics) 大幅擴展夥伴關係,該公司的Sourcery CodeBench開發工具元件將能支援所有的MIPS CPU產品。受惠於Mentor 的開放源、低成本以及受到廣泛支援的軟體平台,這項合作關係將能使開發人員顯著加速其開發周期
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軟硬兼吃 微軟推自有平板、手機 (2012.06.22)
平板電腦市場再添一名戰將。微軟周一發表2款搭載Windows 8的平板電腦「Surface」系列,打破傳統以來的商業模式,打算從軟體跨足硬體產業,生產自有品牌。昨(21)日又發表了專為智慧手機所設計的Windows Phone 8作業系統,且根據彭博報導指出,微軟也將可能計畫自己開發Windows Phone手機
Motorola技術長兼策略長Rich Nottenburg辭職 (2008.05.19)
根據國外媒體報導,全球手機大廠Motorola技術長兼策略長Rich Nottenburg已經辭職。 Rich Nottenburg在2004年被Motorola前執行長Ed Zander任命為策略長,並取代前技術長Padmasree Warrior的職務,去年12月Padmasree Warrior離開Motorola加盟網路設備製造大廠Cisco Systems
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FF-like game. The player incarns a dead warrior and must hunt down a wizard warlord who jail the dead in a terrific world. The hero will need to cross this middle-world to discover and retrieve fantastic magic powers to
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Warrior is a tool used for recording time spent on various activities. It provides an easier and convenient way to track time spent on activities and get a comprehensive report for the period specified. It thus helps in more accurate effort estimation
-Jurpe 0.3.8 (2007.11.07)
JURPE (Java Universal Role Playing Engine) is a Java API to support the writing of new computer RPG games based on a skill based, three dice RPG system. It comes with a full featured game demo of a medieval warrior crawling
-Warrior - time tracker tool for Windows Warrior 2.2.1 (2007.08.28)
Warrior is a tool used for recording time spent on various activities. It provides an easier and convenient way to track time spent on activities and get a comprehensive report for the period specified. It thus helps in more accurate effort estimation
-Java Web Browser and RIA Platform 0.97 (2007.07.09)
Pure Java web browser supporting HTML 4, Javascript and CSS2. Warrior also renders XAMJ, a XML UI/GUI Rich Internet Application (RIA) language, like XUL and XAML. XAMJ uses Java scriptlets (instead of AJAX) similar to JSP. Th
-Java Web Browser and RIA Platform 0.96.2 (2007.04.23)
Pure Java browser supporting HTML 4, Javascript and CSS2. Warrior also renders XAMJ, a XML UI/GUI Rich Internet Application (RIA) language, like XUL and XAML. XAMJ uses Java scriptlets (instead of AJAX) similar to JSP. The renderer is Swing/AWT based
-Warrior: Java Web Browser/Platform 0.96.1 (2007.04.03)
Pure Java browser supporting HTML, Javascript and CSS2. Warrior renders XAMJ, an XML UI/GUI Rich Internet Application (RIA) language, not unlike XUL and XAML. XAMJ uses Java scriptlets (instead of AJAX) similar to JSP. The renderer is Swing/AWT based
-Space Warrior Space Warrior 0.1 (2007.02.22)
Space arcade with RPG elements CONTROLS IN THE SPACE: ` Attack random ready weapon LMB Move ship left RMB Move ship right MMB Move ship forward LMB+RMB Move ship backward H Show,hide HP bars Q Repair ship R Turn on,off ship
Global IP Sound改名為Global IP Solutions (2007.01.30)
Global IP Sound公司宣佈正式改名為Global IP Solutions(GIPS),以反映其在市場定位上的未來發展方向,包括在以企業市場為主的所有GIPS產品和即時應用產品上,整合全新的多媒體技術
-Warrior: Java Web Browser/Platform 0.96 (2006.11.28)
Pure Java browser supporting HTML, Javascript and CSS2. Warrior renders XAMJ, an XML UI/GUI Rich Internet Application (RIA) language, not unlike XUL and XAML. XAMJ uses Java scriptlets (instead of AJAX) similar to JSP. The renderer is Swing/AWT based
-Jurpe 0.3.7 (2006.11.28)
JURPE (Java Universal Role Playing Engine) is a Java API to support the writing of new computer RPG games based on a skill based, three dice RPG system. It comes with a full featured game demo of a medieval warrior crawling
-Web-Warrior Web-Warrior 3.0 (2006.11.28)
Web-Warrior is a webpage generater in PHP, you can see a demo here: http://micah.tornadowood.us/webwarrior/
-Way Of The Warrior: Sons of twilight Base Italian 3.x (2006.10.02)
Way Of The Warrior is a web boardgame of fantasy battle. As a boardgame is turn based and at last 2 player are neeed, but there is no limit. The game is fully customizable, from the unit to the board tile all in an easy way.

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1 意法半導體三相馬達驅動器整合評估板加速強化性能
2 Pilz開放式模組化工業電腦適用於自動化及傳動技術
4 宜鼎E1.S固態硬碟因應邊緣伺服器應用 補足邊緣AI市場斷層
5 Microchip支援NIDIA Holoscan感測器處理平台加速即時邊緣AI部署
6 Flex Power Modules為AI資料中心提供高功率密度 IBC 系列
7 瑞薩全新RA8 MCU系列將Arm Cortex-M85處理器高效引入成本敏感應用
8 Power Integrations推1700V氮化鎵切換開關IC
9 ROHM第4代1200V IGBT實現頂級低損耗和高短路耐受能力
10 英飛凌首款20 Gbps通用USB周邊控制器提供高速連接效力


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