資策會釋出5G核心網路免費基本版 助布局專網商機 (2020.08.14) 佈局5G商機是當前各大產業的關注重點,然而,沒有5G核網,就無法進行「測試」、「互通」。為此,財團法人資訊工業策進會資安科技研究所(資策會資安所)宣布,其研發的III 5G Core(5GC)即日起釋出基本版(III 5GC – Basic)和專業版(III 5GC - Professional) |
安立知推出支援三波長的MT1000A光傳輸測試儀OTDR模組 (2020.02.19) 安立知(Anritsu)宣佈推出專用於Network Master Pro MT1000A光傳輸測試儀的MU100023A光時域反射儀(OTDR)模組,在現有的MU100020A / MU100021A / MU100022A模組系列,進一步增加對於三波長—1310/1550nm、1650nm單模光纖(SMF)的支援 |
CDFP MSA發表CDFP 400 Gbps介面的機械規範 (2014.03.31) CDFP MSA針對新型CDFP 400 Gbps介面發佈其機械規範和設計圖紙草案。為電訊、網路和企業計算環境中資源密集型應用所設計的400 Gbps連接器,其緊湊的外形尺寸可以在16個通道上實現25 Gbps資料速率,同時還具有出色的訊號完整性、熱冷卻特性和EMI保護功能 |
Cortina推出業內首款雙口15G電子色散補償實體層器件 (2013.09.09) 為全球消費者和網路提供創新連接技術的廠商Cortina Systems, Inc.宣佈推出業內首款雙口15G電子色散補償(EDC)實體層器件,新器件適用於低埠數應用從1G向10G和15G頻寬轉換。CS4227雙口15G電子色散補償實體層器件及其同系晶片CS4223四口15G電子色散補償實體層器件拓展了Cortina的28納米產品組合 |
該項目提供最優質的翻譯稱為簡單機械論壇的論壇軟體。-SMFHebrew (2011.08.26) 該項目提供最優質的翻譯稱為簡單機械論壇的論壇軟體。 |
矽光子與光連結應用優勢探討 (2009.09.25) 為了在運算速度上有所突破,近年來許多研究團隊利用光連結系統來取代電連結系統,而將光學元件整合入積體電路中形成OEIC成為積體光學研究的主流。其中矽光子與光連結提供了較低成本的解決方法,也因此逐漸成為許多團隊積極研究的一個主題 |
R&S為SMF100A微波訊號產生器新增功能選項 (2009.07.24) R&S SMF100A新的功能選項-R&S SMF-B32/R&S SMF-B34(輸出功率強化)及R&S SMF-B22(相位雜訊最佳化),現已正式推出。搭配最新推出之功能選項後,R&S SMF100A已呈現最佳化之輸出功率(Output power)及單旁波帶相位雜訊(SSB)表現 |
一款基本的MIDI音樂監視器:w/JACK或ALSA MIDI drivers下作業-MidiMon Release 0.3 (2009.06.24) 一款基本的MIDI音樂監視器:w/JACK或ALSA MIDI drivers下作業 |
-MidiRandomizer 0.6 (2009.06.15) The MidiRandomizer is a Java Swing application that generates MIDI files (SMF) according to a set of randomization parameters. This allows some measure of control over the random patterns produced. |
-apb2smf apb2smf_0.2-3alpha (2008.08.17) Database converter for discussion forum software apb from another php program (app) to the software from simple maschins forum (smf). working: posts, users, PMs, boards |
-apb2smf apb2smf_0.01alpha (2008.07.03) Database converter for discussion forum software apb from another php program (app) to the software from simple maschins forum (smf). |
-Persian SMF OverView Themes (2008.06.05) Simple Machines Forum ??SMF in short ??is a free, professional grade software package that allows you to set up your own online community within minutes. |
CSR結合QSound MIDI合成技術 (2008.04.25) 無線科技專家暨全球藍牙連接方案廠商CSR和QSound Labs宣佈,CSR的MusiCore1技術現在已結合功能強大的QSound mQSynth波形表MIDI合成器。CSR MusiCore1是全球第一顆針對行動電話提供結合立體音效處理器及藍牙完整功能的單晶片方案 |
-Persian SMF Ajax ShutBox (2008.03.23) Simple Machines Forum ??SMF in short ??is a free, professional grade software package that allows you to set up your own online community within minutes. |
-AJAX Chat - Open Source Web Chat (2008.03.23) AJAX Chat is a fully customizable web chat implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL which integrates nicely with common forum systems like phpBB, MyBB, PunBB, SMF and vBulletin. A Flash and Ruby based socket connection can be used to boost performance |
羅德史瓦茲SMF100A微波訊號產生器問世 (2008.02.25) 羅德史瓦茲(Rohde & Schwarz,R&S)SMF100A搭配新選項可向上延伸頻率範圍至43.5GHz,並且向下支援頻率範圍從原來的1GHz到100KHz。這些新擴充的功能對於需要高度精準,彈性寬廣變化頻率範圍訊號源的客戶,像是航太,國防,微波元件模組和元件的製造商別具吸引力 |
-Persian SMF WhiteIce Themes (2008.01.11) Simple Machines Forum ??SMF in short ??is a free, professional grade software package that allows you to set up your own online community within minutes. |
-Free CMS Themes and Scripts Project Fireboard Themes (2007.12.24) A Collection of various Open Source Themes and scripts Developed by FreeNetBuilders.com For Joomla, Tiny Portal, SMF, Phpbb, PCNuke and Xoops. |
-IVCon-TL 3D scene conversion tool IVCon 1.15 (2007.12.19) IVCon-TL can read and write a variety of 3D graphics file formats, converting from one to the other. Supported formats include 3DS, ASE, BYU, DXF, GMOD, HRC, IV, OBJ, OFF, POV, SMF, STL/STLA/STLB, TEC, TRI/TRIA/TRIB, UCD, VLA, WRL/VRML, XGL and more |
-Free CMS Themes and Scripts Project Themes (2007.08.29) A Collection of various Open Source Themes and scripts Developed by FreeNetBuilders.com For Joomla, Tiny Portal, SMF, Phpbb, PCNuke and Xoops. |