AI代理技术正迅速成为企业创新与提升竞争力的重要推动力 (2024.11.20) 随着数位化转型加速,企业对於高效解决复杂业务挑战的需求日益增加。在此背景下,AI代理(AI Agent)技术正迅速成为促进企业创新与提升竞争力的重要推动力。
台湾 IBM 技术长庄士逸指出,AI代理是一种具有自主性和推理能力的人工智慧系统,能在动态业务环境中执行多步骤的复杂任务 |
微软全新自主agents赋能团队实现更多拓展性 (2024.10.22) 为每个组织导入以AI为核心的业务流程,微软推出全新agent功能。以Copilot Studio 创建的自主agent功能将於11月开放公开预览,此外,微软更在Dynamics 365中推出十个全新的自主agents,以全面提升企业销售、服务、财务和供应链团队的生产力 |
VicOne导入亚马逊 AWS生成式AI 加速实现汽车风险管理新生态 (2024.08.19) 以数位资讯为核心的AI应用正在重塑各行各业,就连传统汽车产业也逐渐从封闭走向开放式的生态系,陆续加入自动驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)、智慧座舱、车联网等新兴应用,然而开放环境也肇生了资讯安全的疑虑 |
鸿海欢厌50周年 探索AI 2.0时代发展 (2024.07.23) 鸿海研究院今(23)日举办「AI NExT Forum」,为欢厌鸿海成立50周年,今年的论坛特别以「鸿海50年·智慧新纪元:生成式AI与未来创新」为主题。探讨议题从AI 转变到2.0时代的变化,到效率与能耗对生成式AI发展的瓶颈,企业规模将由运算力重新定义等,论坛中鸿海也首次对外同步揭露集团三大平台在AI运用的阶段性成果 |
AWS扩展全托管基础模型服务 协助客户建构生成式AI应用 (2023.07.30) 亚马逊旗下公司Amazon Web Services(AWS)近日在纽约峰会上宣布全面扩展其全托管基础模型服务Amazon Bedrock,包括新增Cohere作为基础模型供应商,加入Anthropic和Stability AI的最新基础模型,并发布变革性的新功能Amazon Bedrock代理(Agents)功能 |
微软携手台湾人工智慧实验室 策动AI医疗新未来 (2023.04.26) 为加速台湾医疗院所的数位转型,台湾微软与台湾人工智慧实验室(Taiwan AI Labs)今(26)日宣布携手合作,共同签署合作备忘录。藉以提高医护同仁的生产力,提升讯息横向沟通整合、医疗服务品质与病人安全管控,协助落实台湾智慧医疗创新临床场域应用,共同促进台湾医疗院所的「次世代医疗平台」建置与升级 |
工程师必须关心的2020年AI/工业4.0关键趋势 (2020.03.27) 科学家和工程师能藉由专业领域知识在AI专案取得某种程度的成果;然而,若利用如自动标记等工具来快速地处理庞大、高品质的资料集,将是进一步成功的关键。
随着取得了现有深度学习模型与研究并加以持续改进,科学家与工程师得以在人工智慧(AI)专案得到更大范围的成果 |
NVIDIA全新研究成果透过AI创造互动世界 (2018.12.05) NVIDIA (辉达)今日宣布发表突破性的AI研究成果,使开发者首度能运用从真实场景影片训练学习而得的模型,透过系统自动绘制出完全合成的互动式3D环境。
机构研究人员透过一个类神经网路即时运算出 3D环境的合成影像 |
樂高機器人知道怎樣在短時間玩出魔術方塊來 (2010.06.21) 樂高機器人知道怎樣在短時間玩出魔術方塊來 |
-QASE 2.4.8 (2008.03.31) QASE is a Java-based API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-QASE 2.4.2 (2007.11.17) QASE is a Java-based API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-Artificial General Intelligence Sim 1.0.0-beta (2007.08.13) AGISim is a framework for the creation of virtual worlds for artificial intelligence research, allowing AI and human controlled agents to interact in realtime within sensory-rich contexts. AGISim is built on the Crystal Space 3D game engine |
-QASE 2.4 (2007.05.11) QASE is a Java-based API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-QASE 2.2.1 (2007.01.10) QASE is a comprehensive API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-QASE 2.2 (2006.10.20) QASE is a comprehensive API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-JRideIt jrideit-0.1 (2006.10.14) An open simulation of the casino game "let it ride" written in Java. Runs AI agents that play the came and statistically tracks their success. Also has a command-line interface for playing the game. |
-QASE 2.1.9 (2006.08.14) QASE is a comprehensive API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-QASE 2.1.5 (2006.02.20) QASE is a comprehensive API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-QASE 2.1 (2005.12.16) QASE is a comprehensive API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-Spirit Development Kit 0.0-a5 (2005.10.16) Spirit Development Kit is a sdk for development of artificial intelligence softwares. Includes a library of ai algorithms for resolution of problems and more a framework for modelling and simulations of agents. |