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台灣亞德諾半導體股份有限公司 |
Analog Devices 公司简介
Analog Devices, Inc. (纳斯达克股票代码:ADI) 是全球领先的高性能类比技术公司,致力于解决最艰巨的工程设计挑战。我们协助客户运用无与伦比的技术进行感测、测量、电源、连接和解译,以智慧性地搭起现实和数位领域之间的桥梁,从而更了解周围的世界... |
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ATLab |
ATLab Inc. |
ATLab |
Founded in 2000, ATLab is a fabless semiconductor company specialized in mixed-signal System-on-Chip (SoC) fields as a professional group by harmonizing engineering expert and market knowledge. ATLab has 5 managing executives each of whom has more than 20 year experience, 12 R&D members including 5 chief technologists and 7 engineering experts, 7 professionals in sales & marketing, production & quality including 6 senior managers and 1 manager... |
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三顧 |
Metatech Limited |
三顧股份有限公司 |
三顾股份有限公司是一家有着雄厚实力及丰富从业经验,专业代理世界知名集成电路厂商产品的高科技企业。一贯秉承以高科技服务不断壮大并脱颖而出。销售及技术支持网络已覆盖全国绝大部份地区,产品广泛应用于电信、军工、化工、石油、冶金、能源、交通、金融等诸多领域... |
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全達國際 |
Chander Electronics Corp. |
全達國際股份有限公司 |
全达国际成立于1997年5月,为威盛集团之一员,公司之营运定位为半导体、零组件与软体之专业代理行销通路商,公司代理之产品多为全球知名厂牌之电脑零组件、软体、周边设备以及通讯设备;服务的对象为亚太区之资讯产品、通讯产品和消费性产品的制造生产厂商为主... |
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彥陽科技 |
Promaster Technology Corp. |
彥陽科技股份有限公司 |
彦阳科技股份公司成立于1994年,为专业之IC代理商,长期以来一直是国内最大且最资深的PLD(可程序化数字逻辑组件)供货商。总公司位于台北市敦化南路,新竹办公室近园区,2002年下半年起开始拓展在中国的据点,目前有上海、深圳、北京、青岛办公室,员工总数约二百人... |
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晟訊 |
Pioneering Tech International Co., Ltd. |
晟訊國際股份有限公司 |
Founded in 1997, Pioneering Tech International Co. Ltd. is a professional integrated circuit distributor and supplier of electronic components in Taiwan. We specialize in marketing of computer, data communication and consumer electronics applications. With Pioneering Tech, you can expect best quality and reliable service... |
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銳力 |
Regulus Technologies Co., Ltd. |
銳力科技股份有限公司 |
Regulus was founded in 1990 as a System Design Company and then turned to a Software and Semiconductor Component Distributor and Representative, offering intensive local technical support as well as OEM components distribution.
In the past decade, Regulus has successfully marketed NeoMagic's LCD VGA Controllers... |
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