相關物件共 110
(您查閱第 2 頁資料, 超過您的權限, 請免費註冊成為會員後, 才能使用!)
是一款免費,簡單,用戶界面友好,基於 PHP 的新聞出版腳本工具。-EasyMyNews (2011.06.21)
是一款免費,簡單,用戶界面友好,基於 PHP 的新聞出版腳本工具。
-loiq (2011.06.19)
LOIQ stands for LOIC in Qt4. It is an attempt to re-create the LOIC server stress-test tool using Qt4/C++ instead of original C#/.Net to make it available under *NIX OSes (primarily under Linux). It is released under the terms of GNU GPL 3 or later
開發 GNU GPL.Field 的免費軟體工具:提供 GNU GPL 發布自由軟體開發工具。-Field Bird (2011.04.17)
開發 GNU GPL.Field 的免費軟體工具:提供 GNU GPL 發布自由軟體開發工具。
sudokuki 是一款圖形化的數獨遊戲軟體,相當有趣!-Sudokuki - essential sudoku game (2011.04.09)
sudokuki 是一款圖形化的數獨遊戲軟體,相當有趣!
2/OS是免費和開放源碼,基於GNU GPL 2.0許可類似 DOS和MS - DOS兼容的操作系統-2 (2011.03.27)
2/OS是免費和開放源碼,基於GNU GPL 2.0許可類似 DOS和MS - DOS兼容的操作系統
-Mpg2Cut2 (2011.03.26)
Very basic cutter for Mpeg-2 files. GNU GPL license. Primarily intended for common PS format files, but has partial support for TS and ES formats. Very basic cutter for Mpeg-2 files. GNU GPL license. Primarily intended for common PS format files, but has partial support for TS and ES formats
-Manhali (2011.03.14)
Manhali is a free, open source course management system that can be also used as a classical CMS or a tutorial management system for how-to websites, it is installable, multi-language and secure. Licensed under the GNU-GPL 3
Scriobai是一款部落格(Blog)平臺的工具軟體-Scriobai CMS (2010.11.12)
一款實現第三代 P2P 網路的工具軟體。-ANts P2P (2010.11.05)
一款實現第三代 P2P 網路的工具軟體。
-web@all CMS (2010.10.17)
web@all is a open-source free software, based on PHP+MySQL, following the GNU/GPL license.
一款參考製作最強大的音訊功率放大器(基於雙極晶體管拓撲)之工具-MATRIX 1.4 Free Audio Power Amplifier (2010.09.16)
-OCamlTeX (2010.07.07)
OCamlTeX is a user-friendly (La)TeX editor for the Gnome desktop written in Objective Caml (OCaml). It is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3. LaTeX editor written in Objective Caml (OCaml) with the GTK+ toolkit. It provides multi-document interface, syntax highlighting, code completion, UTF-8 support, plugins, customizable GUI, regexp-based find and replace and more
-Escuela Mundo Feliz (2010.05.10)
Proyecto para el desarrollo de una aplicacion web para la gestion de un centro escolar, donde se contemple la gestion de profesores, alumnos, asignaturas, calificaciones e historicos. Licencia GNU/GPL.
-The FreeDOS Project 2038 (2009.06.13)
FreeDOS is a free DOS-compatible operating system for IBM-PC compatible systems. FreeDOS is made of up many different, separate programs that act as packages to the overall FreeDOS Project. FreeDOS is distributed under the GNU GPL
-ReactOS Calc ReactOS Calc 1.10 (2008.08.13)
ReactOS Calc is a scientific calculator. It has been written to be a clone of calculators included into MS Win32 operating systems. It has a similar user interface and keyboard shortcuts. It will be released under GNU GPL license
-LaTeXDraw 2.0.0 (2008.07.26)
LaTeXDraw is a graphical opensource PSTricks code generator or a PSTricks editor for LaTeX distributed under the GNU GPL. LaTeXDraw is developped in java, so it's independent of the OS.
-Field Bird 2008.07.04 (2008.07.05)
Free software development tools released under the GNU GPL.
昇陽預計在年底期開放全部的Java原始碼 (2008.06.24)
外電消息報導,兩年前,昇陽(Sun)在JavaOne會議上宣佈,未來將會免費提供Java,並且根據GNU通用公共許可證(GNU General Public License;GNU GPL或GPL)計畫進行開放,但在開放的過程中,仍有部分的程式碼未能提供,但這個部份即將在年底前全面開放
-SudokuKi - essential sudoku game 0.3.0_Gtkmm (2008.05.30)
Sudoku Ki is a graphical SUDOKU game. Sudoku Ki's features: Generate a sudoku grid - Solve a sudoku grid - Export to HTML & Print a generated grid from your Web browser. Sudoku Ki is multiplatform GNU/GPL Free Software, written in C++
-SudokuKi - essential sudoku game in C++ 0.2.2_Gtkmm (2008.05.26)
Play SUDOKU with Sudoku Ki, a graphical sudoku game, with a solver and a grid generator. Sudoku Ki is multiplatform, thanks to Gtkmm/GTK+. For your convenience, Sudoku Ki is GNU GPL Free Software. Have fun!

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1 雅特力AT32F421遙控攀爬車電子調速新方案,助力征服極端地形
2 貿澤開售適用於消費性和醫療穿戴式裝置的 全新STMicroelectronics含vAFE的ST1VAFE3BX生物感測器
3 Nordic Semiconductor的nPM2100電源管理IC延長一次電池供電藍牙低功耗產品的電池壽命
4 Rohde & Schwarz推出 R&S ScopeStudio 助力開發團隊的基於個人電腦的示波器解決方案
5 Silicon Labs BG22L及BG24L精巧版SoC提供應用優化的 超低功耗藍牙連接
6 群閎攜手R&S共創WiFi 7與5G檢測新標杆,助力企業拓展全球版圖
7 貿澤電子即日起供貨ADI邊緣運算平台,可支援自主機器人和自動駕駛車中的機器視覺
8 意法半導體推出適用於車用微控制器的可配置電源管理 IC
9 泓格iSN-811C-MTCP紅外線感測模組 從溫度掌握工業製造的安全與先機

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