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Ordering 和编程 Gateway component.It 进行翻译传入 OGC06-141 和 OGC07-018 在 EOLI XML 请求工具。-OPGW (2011.06.17)
Ordering 和编程 Gateway component.It 进行翻译传入 OGC06-141 和 OGC07-018 在 EOLI XML 请求工具。
-pycsw (2011.04.20)
pycsw is an OGC CSW server implementation written in Python.
GeoTools 是一款开源的 Java GIS 工具包。通过GeoAPI 的 OGC 项目使用。-GeoTools, the java GIS toolkit (2011.04.05)
GeoTools 是一款开源的 Java GIS 工具包。通过GeoAPI 的 OGC 项目使用。
是一款基于Web的地理元数据目录系统开发:由粮农组织,联合国粮食计划署和环境规划署设施。-GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog (2010.11.17)
一款客户端应用开发的Java发送OGC同时要求几个数据目录之工具-CatalogConnector Open Source (2010.06.15)
一款OGC:Open GeoSMS规格说明文件-OGC:Open GeoSMS规格 Version: 0.2.1 (2010.05.20)
一款OGC:Open GeoSMS规格说明文件
「Open GeoSMS」第二版将问世 业者现身畅谈应用 (2009.12.17)
GPS位置信息共同标准「Open GeoSMS」,在多方业者及经济部工业局、通推动小组与工研院的努力奔走下,第二版即将问世,并拟于周五(12/18)假台北国际会议中心,举办「GPS位置信息共同标准研讨会」
提供地理信息系统(GIS)的开放框架应用的发展和部署(OGC/ISO规格),在IGN(法国全国地图机构)-GeOxygene 1.4 (2009.06.22)
次世代资通讯国际标准参与经验分享 (2009.06.11)
为因应未来新世代无线通信系统快速发展,此计划希望能掌握契机,积极参与国际标准制定,为未来我国的无线通信产业,建构以智财权支持的高价值产业型态。目前并没有标准组织明确表明自己为4G标准,但有某些国家(如中、日等国)认为ITU-R IMT-Advanced应该就是4G,较为积极的标准制定为3GPP LTE/LTE-Advanced、IEEE 802.16m等
-spigve Release 0.0.1 (2008.07.16)
Cliente de web mapping, basado en GeoClient y desarrollado en EcmaScript/JavaScript sobre SVG, que permite consumir servicios OGC/WFS para publicacion de Informaci籀n Geogr獭fica utilizando graficos vectoriales.
-GeoAPI 2.1.1 (2008.06.14)
The development community in building GIS solutions is sustaining an enormous level of effort. The GeoAPI project aims to reduce duplication and increase interoperability by providing neutral, interface-only APIs derived from OGC/ISO Standards
-GeoTools, the java GIS toolkit 2.5-M2 (2008.05.09)
GeoTools is an open source java GIS toolkit. Used for OGC based projects via GeoAPI interfaces. Includes two great SLD based renderers, raster access and reprojection. Plugns fo Shapefile, ArcGrid, ArcSDE, Postgis, OracleSpatial, MySQL and many more
-ALK-EDBS to WKT-Database Konverter 1.1 (2008.03.28)
Konverting the GIS-Format 'EDBS' to Spatial-Database 'PostGIS' and other using the 'Well Known Text'-Interface. EDBS is a German Fileformat from ALK (Automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte). So this GIS can be used for UNM-Mapserver, JUMP
-52North 52N-SOS-3.0.1 (2008.03.18)
52North (52n) is a Java based implementation of web services and data encodings provided by the Open Geospatial Con., OGC. It mainly addresses the SDI Management Services, Services for Geosensor and Simulation Networks, and Mobile Geocomputing
-GeoTools, the java GIS toolkit 2.4.0 (2008.02.09)
GeoTools is an open source java GIS toolkit. Used for OGC based projects via GeoAPI interfaces. Includes two great SLD based renderers, raster access and reprojection. Plugns fo Shapefile, ArcGrid, ArcSDE, Postgis, OracleSpatial, MySQL and many more
-GaiaPocket ver. 1.0 (2008.02.08)
GaiaPocket is a mobile GIS client written on .NET Compact Framework 2.0, using common OGC protocols such as WMS and WFS. You can use GaiaPocket libraries to build your own GIS client in no time.
-GeoAPI 2.1.0 (2008.02.08)
The development community in building GIS solutions is sustaining an enormous level of effort. The GeoAPI project aims to reduce duplication and increase interoperability by providing neutral, interface-only APIs derived from OGC/ISO Standards
-52North Incubator OXFramework-20080206 (2008.02.07)
Development of web based OGC GIS services.
-GeOxygene 1.3 (2008.02.01)
GeOxygene aims at providing an open framework which implements OGC/ISO specifications for the development and deployment of geographic (GIS) applications. It is a open source contribution of the COGIT lab. at the IGN (the French National Mapping Agency)
-Humboldt WMS Viewer GeoPISTA-getFeatureInfo.pdf-0.1 (2008.01.24)
Humboldt-Viewer the StreetMap/Urban Guide for SMGOs! Humboldt-Viewer is an OGC standard compliant Lightweight Web Map Service Viewer with powerful features and interface customization. Lookout for Humboldt GeoPISTA/WMS Viewer

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