联发科技展示前瞻共封装光学ASIC设计平台 为次世代AI与高速运算奠基 (2024.03.20) 联发科技推出新世代客制化晶片(ASIC)设计平台,提供异质整合高速电子与光学讯号的传输介面(I/O)解决方案,以联发科技的共封装技术,整合自主研发的高速SerDes处理电子讯号传输搭配处理光学讯号传输的Ranovus Odin光学引擎 |
美商讯能集思与富智康合作打造5G智慧网关Odin 加速实现工业4.0 (2022.08.29) 美商讯能集思携手鸿海科技集团旗下富智康,共同推动智慧制造与工业转型,推出即??即用、支援5G行动网路的智慧网关「Odin」,可无缝串接「JarviX」AI分析平台,透过一站式软硬整合方案,打通产线设备数据收集、传输、处理全流程,落实厂区现场生产数位化,推进制造业整体产业升级,迈向工业4.0 |
Synergies以一站式整合方案 推动制造业迈向零IT世代 (2022.08.03) Synergies Intelligent Systems 讯能集思(Synergies)推出全新5G物联网闸道器Odin,并同步更新旗下全球首创的决策AI平台JarviX推出 3.0版,以一站式设备管理软硬体整合方案协助制造业迈向「零IT」新世代,解决智慧制造人才短缺困境,透过AI轻松善用营运资料翻转营收 |
数位转型要求简便快捷 流体控制续向电控整合 (2021.01.06) 过去常被视为传统产业的液/气压流体控制系统大厂也持续与上层电控、驱动系统深入整合应用,或不断推陈出新产品。 |
博世力士乐导入IO-Link (2018.01.10) 台湾博世力士乐公司则相对提供短中程更简易、经济的IO-Link解决方案,以协助台厂加速达成工业4.0的远程目标。 |
资策会举办「IDEAS Hatch暨3D列印成果发表会」 (2017.11.01) 资策会数位服务创新研究所(服创所)於10月31日举办「2017 IDEAS Hatch Annual Meeting 暨3D列印成果发表会」,来自「IDEAS Hatch」家族,成功在国内外市场中集资上市的硬体新创代表作,包括ODiN雷射空气滑鼠、AQUA微型扩大机、NextDrive Plug 个人云端智能??头、Vulcan 厨房温控智慧??座、摩豆娃娃、STTC App智慧发热衣 |
u-blox五大无线模组方案 加速IoT应用成真 (2016.12.01) 物联网(IoT)的快速成长,包括在医疗、智慧家居以及车联网的各种应用,为人们未来生活品质的提升带来了美好的愿景。特别是,对于具备行动性的「物」来说,除了需利用全球卫星定位(GNSS)接收器来确定它们的位置,还可根据不同的功能与准确度要求,将GNSS、蜂巢式网路、 Wi-Fi热点,以及蓝牙技术结合一起运用 |
u-blox短距离无线电系列模组通过台湾NCC认证 (2016.05.30) 全球无线及定位模组与晶片厂商u-blox宣布,该公司的ELLA W1和ODIN-W2短距离无线电模组系列已获得国家通讯传播委员会(NCC)的合格认证。 NCC是专责规范资讯、通讯与广播电视产业的独立管理机构 |
u-blox 打造物联网入门套件 (2014.12.03) 在物联网的世界中,所有的车辆、电话、感测器、电表、机器、销售终端机、看板、玩具、相机以及医疗设备等各类装置,都可以和网际网路相连,它们不仅能够互相沟通,还具备感知与运算的功能,可带来崭新的应用与服务 |
-ODIN release_1_7_3 (2009.06.13) ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers. |
-ODIN release_1_6_7 (2008.06.04) ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers. |
-Dioscuri - modular emulator FreeDOS ODIN 0.7 (for 0.4.0) (2008.02.13) Dioscuri is an x86 computer hardware emulator written in Java. It is designed by the digital preservation community to make sure that documents and programs from the past can still be accessed in the future. Dioscuri is durable and component-based |
-ODIN release_1_6_6 (2008.02.03) ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers. |
-Odin 1.0.0 (2008.01.14) Odin is a Tool that aims to be a didatic resource for AI Teachers. It lets students visualize PROLOG programs in 3D simulations. |
-ODIN release_1_6_4 (2007.10.11) ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers. |
-ODIN release_1_6_3 (2007.07.25) ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers. |
ODIN与空中巴士将合作RFID视觉系统 (2007.07.18) 根据外电报导,欧洲空中巴士(Air Bus)将与ODIN technologies 合作RFID整合化软硬件产品。在初期阶段ODIN将提供方案设计、应用、测试以及支持服务,为空中巴士提供实时自动化视觉系统 |
-ODIN release_1_6_0 (2007.03.09) ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers. |
-ODIN release_1_5_0 (2006.10.03) ODIN is a free software framework for rapid prototyping of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The sequences can be tested, simulated and executed on scanner hardware from different manufacturers. |
-ODIN release_1_4_2 (2006.06.20) ODIN is a compilation of libraries and applications that are useful in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance. Its intention is to support the scientist during
implementation and testing new sequences and data reconstruction algorithms |