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DS1206N BASIC測試/開發板
原廠/品牌: 集博 上架日期: 04/14
供應商: 集博 產品類別: IDE


     就多通道RS232通訊功能上,就相等於DS1206 控制器。DS1206N只有一個RS232接頭,而且價格也等同於一個RS232連網伺服器。但就功能而言,DS1206N具備4個獨立RS232通訊通道。如果在某些應用中不需使用原本的DSR及DTR,便可轉為另一組RX及TX。也不需要CTS及RTS?很好,我們也可以轉為另一組RS232通道。我們共規畫了15種RS232通道組合供您彈性選擇使用。


零件編號 封裝 規格說明 單價 庫存 最小量 購量
DS1206N 以EM1000為核心,針對 終瑞設備 及自動化設備 開發的最終極開發平臺。硬體包含搭載EM1000的主機板、LCD顯示板(共有3款供選擇)、鍵盤、序列埠、I/O板及)GA1000 Wi-Fi附加模組(選用)。       2 週 1

Available models

The board is supplied in three modifications.

The DS1206N-RS is, essentially, a DS1206 device without a housing. The board has a proper RS232 port (RS232 transceiver IC and DB9M connector), as well as the power regulator ("12V"-to-3.3V). There is also a power switch that controls "12V" power output on pin 9 of the DB9M connector.

The DS1206N-TM is different from the "-RS" version in that it has a TTL serial port and no power switch. The port is accessible through a 12-pin connector on the PCB. The power regulator of the board can be used to supply 3.3V power to the attached serial device as well.

Finally, the DS1206N-TS is like the "-TM" version but has no "12V"-to-3.3V power regulator. Instead, an attached serial device is supposed to provide stabilized 3.3V power to the board.


Available models and their features




(TTL master)


(TTL slave)

Setup button


Status LEDs


RS232 transceiver & DB9M connector



TTL interface connector



Power switch



Power jack and "12V"-to-3.3V regulator




Hardware features

Superior upgrade to the EM1202EV board.
Based on a high-performance purpose-built 88-MHz T1000 ASIC.
10/100BaseT auto-MDIX Ethernet port (automatic detection of "straight" and "cross" cables).
Up to 3.5 serial channels:

- DS1206N-RS: RS232 port (DB9M connector);

- DS1206N-TM and "-TS": TTL serial port (pin header);

- Baudrates of up to 921,600bps;

- None/even/odd/mark/space parity modes;

- 7/8 bits/character modes;

- Full-duplex mode with optional flow control;

- DS1206N-TM and "-TS": half-duplex mode with direction control;

- Flexible mapping with 15 different options, such as:

    - A single channel: RX, TX, CTS, RTS, DSR, and DTR lines;

    - 3.5 channels: RX, TX, RX2, TX2, RX3, TX3, and RX4 lines.

- DS1206N-RS: optional "12V" power output on DB9M connector (software-controllable);

- DS1206N-TM: optional "12V" power input from the serial port (instead of supplying power through the power jack).

512KB or 1024KB flash memory for firmware, application, and data storage.
2KB EEPROM for data storage.
Four LEDs:

- Green and red status LEDs on top of the device;

- Link and speed Ethernet status LEDs on the RJ45 jack.

Software-controlled onboard PLL to select the clock frequency of the device: 11.0592MHz with PLL off, 88.4736MHz with PLL on.

- DS1206N-RS and "-TM": onboard regulator, 10-24V input range (12V nominal);

- DS1206N-TS: direct 3.3V input (must be regulated to +/- 5%).

Board dimensions: 52.6x38.0mm.
Firmware and Tibbo BASIC application are upgradeable through the serial port or network.
Tibbo BASIC application can be debugged through the network and no additional debugging hardware, such as in-circuit emulator, is required.
Also available as a DS1206 (DS1206N board with housing).

Programming features

Variable Types: Byte, char, integer (word), short, dword, long, real, string, plus ser-defined arrays and structures.
Function Groups: Strings functions (21 in total!), date/time conversion functions, and hash calculation functions (md5 and sha1).
Platform objects:

- Sock — socket communications (up to 16 UDP, TCP, and HTTP sessions);

- Net — controls Ethernet port;

- Ser — in charge of serial channels;

- Io — handles I/O lines, ports, and interrupts;

- Fd — manages flash memory file system and direct sector access;

- Stor — provides access to the EEPROM;

- Romfile — facilitates access to resource files (fixed data);

- Pat — "plays" patterns on green and red status LEDs;

- Button — monitors the setup button;

- Sys — in charge of general device functionality.

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