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Core i7的时代意义

【CTIMES / SMARTAUTO ABC_1 报导】    2008年12月01日 星期一


「希望藉由Core i7的推出,为这个有点寒冷的冬天,带来一点温暖。」这是英特尔在Core i7的上市记者会上所说的一段话,而这段话更是一字字的说进所有PC制造商的心坎里。的确,在这个经济大萧条的时刻,PC市场真的需要一个能振奋人心的产品,而Core i7正适时的扮演起这个救世主角色。除了替市场带来「温暖」之外,Core i7对于桌上型电脑市场更有着时代上的意义,它象征着Desktop将正式走向超高效能导向,及以真正的多执行绪时代。


不管是被称作「爱妻」或者是「哀戚」,Core i7身为英特尔新一代微架构Nehalem的开路先锋,无疑已经起到一定的市场宣传作用,显示消费者对于这颗划时代的CPU的确是充满兴趣。而英特尔则给这颗处理处冠上更大的帽子,号称是「地表上最快的处理器」,并在多项性能测试上,都创下了绝无仅有的新纪录,其中在专业的SPECint_base_rate2006测试上,更取得了117分的世界纪录,是第一颗成绩破百的处理器。

这颗处理器之所以能创下如此高的性能数据,最主要的原因是英特尔启用了多项新规范在这颗CPU上。包含新的CPU插槽Socket LGA1366、三通道的DDR3 1066控制​​器、8执行绪的HT技术、以及最新的高速汇流技术QPI。

首先在Socket LGA1366的推出上,在i7之前,所有的Core架构处理器皆采用LGA775插槽,而此次插槽的变更,意味着过去的主机板平台将不再支援,必须采用全新的硬体架构,此举也宣告LGA775时代即将结束。加上新的LGA1366规范具有更多的针脚数,相对的,处理器晶片的体积也变的更大,因此需要更大的散热器支援,而这样的规格也排除了「小型化(Small Factor) 」的设计需求考量,是纯粹为性能而生。这也做出了更明显的市场区隔,便是让行动的归行动,桌上型将是极致的效能导向。

再者为高速汇流技术QPI的使用。PQI全名是QuickPath Interconnect汇流技术,是英特尔新一代CPU与CPU及CPU与内存间的联机技术,此技术是取代行之多年的FSB前端汇流。一直以来,处理器与内存之间的传输都是英特尔处理器的瓶颈所在,虽然处理器的性能不断提升,但芯片间的互连性能却始终跟不上,尤其是进入多核心时代后,这个问题便更加明显。而新的QPI汇流技术采用单线点对点模式,传输速度在4.8至6.4GT/s之间,加上每一个连接的联机位可为5、10、20bit,因此一条QPI联接可提供12至16 GB/s的带宽,而每一个QPI联机的宽带更高达24至32 GB/s。也一举突破了英特尔处理器的效能。

另外,多核心处理器最倚赖的平行运算功能也在i7上获得改进。透过超线程技术,i7每个核心可有2个处理线程,四核最高可有8个线程,对于多功处理和多应用程序的执行有绝佳的性能。此外,若搭配固态硬盘(SSD),更能彰显其多线程的优势。至于3信道的DDR3 1066MHz的应用,也是在Desktop上首见,在在都把桌面计算机平台设计带向了新的时代。

毫无疑问的,Core i7的问世代表着桌面计算机平台将进入下一个阶段,而这个平台的转换也将会带起相关零组件的更新潮。包含主板、芯片组、DDR3和固态硬盘等,都会随之有所成长,难怪所有的PC制造商和零组件供货商无不对此殷殷期盼。然而,这对消费者来说似乎并不是个利多,因为一个完整的i7系统所费不赀,没有花个数万元是买不到的,加上无法从目前的架构中升级,更令人感觉气结。但若单从技术面来看,相信PC市场非常乐见一个有破坏性的产品推出,特别是在这个令人不太兴奋的时间点。

關鍵字: 多线程  QuickPath Interconnect  Intel 
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Tommy Chung发言于2011.01.12 11:46:53 AM
Moneual Play Ball PC: What Has Three Balls, Six Axes and Seven Windows?
Would you believe what you’re looking at is a PC? Yep. This set of orbs is a completely functional Windows 7 PC, courtesy of the guys at Korea’s Moneaul.


The Play Ball PC comes with three spherical pods, one which contains the main computer, and the other two which house matching speakers. The main pod’s computer runs on the Intel Atom chipset, has a built-in 64GB SSD storage device and 2GB RAM. In addition to built-in 802.11n networking, it also connects wirelessly to the battery-powered speakers. According to it’s manufacturer, the whole thing will be completely wireless, so I’m wondering if the computer itself will have a rechargeable battery too. It probably does, since both the computer and speakers snap into that white monolithic docking station.


The computer also features a 6-axis gyroscopic sensor, which lets you use the computer itself in place of a mouse, and allows you to interact with the media playback interfaces without a keyboard. Of course, they call this thing an HTPC, but any real home theater guru would never live with just a pair of wireless 15-watt speakers for their sound system.  While it probably won’t win any awards for sound output, it certainly will be a cool conversation piece sitting in your living room.

There’s no word on when you’ll be able to get your hands on one of these oddities. As a matter of fact, I can’t find it up on Moneaul’s website yet. That said, I know it’s at least been turned into a prototype, because I took the photos above myself during CES last week.


Only Chen发言于2010.12.14 12:06:26 PM

明年消電展3大主軸 催紅PC



Only Chen发言于2010.11.12 11:10:14 AM

Can a PC Be Upgraded Forever?

Can a PC Be Upgraded Forever?

This little aluminum computer has one big goal: To be the last PC you will ever need. That's what the manufacturer claims—"The Xi3 Modular's three boards will allow you to upgrade it forever." Maybe. I just like the color.

The tiny Xi3 Modular has one board with two AMD Athlon 64 processors and the RAM, while two I/O boards handle all connectivity and input/output requirements. They say that, by changing these boards you can "upgrade this computer forever" to save money and resources. Nice intentions, Captain Planet, but many computer manufacturers have tried the same approach only to discover that their modular technology always gets outdated, rendering their whole upgrade strategy into a broken pencil: Pointless.

Still, it's a nice little computer which is designed to be mounted anywhere. It comes with dual display support with 1080p DVI, VGA, HDMI, LVDS and DP output, plus 6 USB and 2 SATA Ports, Xi3p and PCIe, and it's available in limited quantities for $849. [XI3 via BusinessWire]



上面這款迷你PC,夠炫...只是$849 coco有點貴

Tommy Chung发言于2010.07.28 11:06:55 AM
目前應該是AIO比校搶手,最好有3D LED Display功能.
Steven Wang发言于2008.12.10 09:35:48 AM









Korbin Lan发言于2008.12.01 04:05:50 PM

別說是Core i7了...



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