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【作者: 鄭華琦】2010年11月09日 星期二


市场变革-- AMOLED正式起飞

继薄膜晶体管液晶显示器(TFT-LCD)之后,主动有机发光二极管(AMOLED)被喻为下一世代面板。其中有机发光二极管(Organic Light-Emitting Diode;OLED)为一固态自发光显示器,具有结构简单、自发光无需背光源、广视角、影像色泽美丽、省电等优势,在中小面板市场可望大幅成长。

目前AMOLED技术不易做太大尺寸面板,且背光源的蓝光部分寿命偏短,但以智能型手机搭配门号促销,汰换率相当高的情况,正好可以避掉蓝光寿命短的技术问题,只要使用期间色泽优点发挥到极致即可,另外,手机面板也不用太大,AMOLED正可打入智能型手机市场。现阶段已开始应用于手机、mp3、数字相机、数字相框等中小尺寸显示器产品。根据DisplaySearch估计(图一),全球OLED 面板产值将从2008年的6亿美金,成长到2016年的71亿美金,年复合成长率达36%,这样高的成长趋势主要来自于主动式有机发光二极管AMOLED之成长。并且于2009的第一季AMOLED面板产值已首度超越PMOLED,预期在2010年AMOLED面板之出货量亦将超越PMOLED,成为推动OLED于市场发光发热之主要力量。

另一名雇主 限られたニュース 文章閱讀限制 出版品優惠
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开创多元应用 电子纸站稳软性显示市场
显示照明跨领域革命 OLED优势完全燃烧
Only Chen发言于2011.01.14 11:35:21 AM



Tommy Chung发言于2011.01.10 11:55:01 AM

告別玻璃螢幕CES 2011三星展示可彎曲的的AMOLED螢幕


Tommy Chung发言于2011.01.06 11:42:11 AM

Samsung to unveil next-gen flexible and transparent AMOLED displays at CES 2011


Samsung Mobile Display is set to unveil a pair of next-gen AMOLED display prototypes at CE...

Samsung Mobile Display is set to unveil a pair of next-gen AMOLED display prototypes at CES 2011

There’s bound to be all manner of display technologies vying for eyeballs at CES 2011 when it kicks off in Las Vegas next week and two prototype AMOLED displays from Samsung Mobile Display (SMD) will definitely be high on our list of things to check out. The first is a 4.5-inch 800 x 480 (WVGA) resolution flexible AMOLED display concept prototype for mobile devices, while the second is the world’s largest transparent AMOLED display prototype for use in PC monitors and TVs.

Flexible AMOLED display prototype

SMD’s 4.5-inch flexible AMOLED display is two millimeters (0.08-in) thick and can be rolled down to a radius of one centimeter (0.39-in). The concept prototype’s 800 x 480 resolution, which Samsung claims is four times that of the previous most flexible AMOLED prototype constructed, comes courtesy of a new plastic substrate that can withstand the 450-500 degree Celsius temperatures required in the manufacturing process.

As this overcomes the problem of previous plastic materials melting during the manufacturing process that made commercialization of such devices difficult, Samsung says the concept display on show marks a major step on the road to mass production for the next-gen display, which is aimed at smartphones and tablet PCs.

Transparent AMOLED display prototype

The second prototype display to be unveiled is aimed at larger screen applications such as TVs and PC monitors. The 19-inch transparent AMOLED display prototype sports a qFHD (quad Full High Definition) resolution. This is a non-standard resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels arranged in a 16:9 aspect ratio that gets its name from being four times the resolution of 1080p.

The prototype display is the world’s first large transparent AMOLED display prototype and, while the average amount of transparency previously achieved has been below 10 percent, SMD’s display maintains up to 30 percent transparency whether it is turned on or off. Samsung says this will allow the technology to be used for surfing the internet while watching TV or even watching TV on windows – and by that it means the glass kind, including car windows, not the operating system.

As well as the 19-inch prototype, SMD will also be exhibiting a 14-inch qFHD transparent AMOLED display designed for notebooks.



看來flexible Display,日韓也是競爭對手...

Tommy Chung发言于2010.12.08 11:16:02 AM



Only Chen发言于2010.12.02 11:19:35 AM

Flexible OLED 3DTV From Samsung Wraps Around Walls...Or Anything, Really

Flexible OLED 3DTV From Samsung Wraps Around Walls...Or Anything, ReallyWe've seen all manner of crazy prototypes involving flexible OLED panels (even one which wrapped around a pencil), but a flexible OLED which just so happens to be 3D? Sign us up for warped Avatar viewing, Samsung. [SamsungOLED via OLED-Display]


Only Chen发言于2010.11.24 12:07:09 PM

軟性顯示整合 面板雙虎入列


高通、元太 布局軟性電子紙



Adam Chen发言于2010.11.18 09:02:52 AM
10"以上都算O.K. ,當E-Reader應不錯,但太大如超過50"是否不好攜帶?
Gordan Hsu发言于2010.11.18 01:23:42 AM
Adam Chen 提到:
應該會 !! 由於簡易攜帶性與可捲曲特性,大大省掉空間:其影像品質、亮度、價格、防水性、耐用耐摔性、省電性、尺寸大小與重量、網路雲端應用、周邊應用...也是觀察要項。

But, who needs a flexible "small" displays? No one wants to see a twist images.

Adam Chen发言于2010.11.17 09:13:20 AM
應該會 !! 由於簡易攜帶性與可捲曲特性,大大省掉空間:其影像品質、亮度、價格、防水性、耐用耐摔性、省電性、尺寸大小與重量、網路雲端應用、周邊應用...也是觀察要項。
Gordan Hsu发言于2010.11.17 12:22:14 AM
Do you think Flexible displays will rule the future market?
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